Ch 25 the good Bad One

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Choking down dinner was hard to do. Our young Beta seemed overtly joyous, laughing and cuddling up to Alpha. My resentment grew with every giggle he made. More than once, I pushed down on Shawn's thigh, keeping him seated. It occurred to me that Alpha was acting a little drunk, like I'd seen my parents get last New Year's Eve. Tipsy, my mom had called it with a giggle, telling me to get to bed since the clock had struck twelve.

Alpha stretched out, leaning back in his chair, acting more relaxed than I had ever seen him. There were a few times he started scrunching his face up like he was going to growl at us, but our Beta distracted him each time. By the time we were done eating, Alpha seemed to notice his own condition.

"Lock'em down," Alpha demanded, standing straighter, even if he suddenly supported his weight with a fist on the table.

"Yes Alpha," Beta replied, with an odd, sly ring to his voice, no matter how submissive he seemed.

Our young lord and his two original cohorts quickly sent the omegas into their reinforced closet, before leading us to the room with Andre's body.

"Go to your places and stay there. I will check in on you later to make sure you are obedient," our Beta commanded us.

It was strange, but I think he would have said more if Alpha didn't stumble up behind him right then. All of us went to our original places, quietly lowering ourselves down on all fours in our proper spots, trying not to look at the dead body in the back spot. With Alpha at the door, there was only brief shuffling, then silence. I knew everyone else was in the same position I was in, on all fours, head down and turned.

"Aren't you proud of how obedient they are, Alpha? We have such good, obedient guards," our Beta gushed happily. "They are good and don't need to be beaten anymore. Come, let's lock the door. Everyone will be safe while we sleep."

They moved away and the door closed. As much as I wanted to, I didn't dare make a sound. The words don't need to be beaten anymore kept echoing in my head. Is this what it took, proving that we would obey, even if it meant calmly staying in our positions next to a dead body? Was our young lord that stupid, to think Alpha would never hit us again? Or was this his test, to see if we would obey him, if we were worthy of our young lord's protection?

"Good One?" someone whispered.

"Shhh," I hissed out. "We must obey. We must pass this test. Be good. Obey our lord, our Beta."

I led by example, not even daring to lay down. There was an occasional rustle, and, after awhile, Shawn's quiet sobbing. As much as I desperately wanted to comfort him, I knew now was not the time. The light had been left on. I listened for any noise coming from above and behind me. I couldn't hear anything over Shawn's sobs, but I knew. Our lord would peek at us before he returned. He would see for himself if we were obedient or not. If he asked me this time if everyone obeyed, I dared not lie. One of his two young original guards could be up there now, watching us, ready to report back to him.

Eventually our door was unlocked and opened. It was our lord standing there, with both of his personal guards behind him. He didn't say anything at first, standing in the middle of the room. When he did move, he went to Shawn first, petting him. He then went to each of us, in the order we had changed, petting us silently before going back to Shawn.

"I know he was your friend," our lord said quietly. "I didn't want him to die. I did everything I could to try..."

Our lord's voice broke on a sob, which he quickly controlled. "We have to move fast. Alpha thinks his body should be burned in the furnace, but I am claiming him as part of my pack. I'm going to honor him, ok, but you have to obey me, both now and later. I, we, are going to bury him in the bowers. Promise me you are going to behave, so we can bury him properly. Please," our boy lord whispered, "say you'll obey me."

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