A car accident

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Jack's pov:

I was streaming when I got a phone call. It was from the hospital.

The chat:

He's definitely not smiling anymore

Did something happen?

It seems serious

I ended the stream, didn't even say goodbye. Y/N and Alex had been in a car accident. They told me that Alex was fine, pretty much, but Y/N wasn't as lucky. She hit her head pretty bad they said. She had been unconscious for a while, and they had to sew on of her cheeks because of the glass from the windshield. I was in shock, and I couldn't hear everything everything the doctor was saying.

I got out of my room, ran downstairs and got in my car. I didn't know if she was stable, how injured she really was and I just wanted to see her. It wasn't very far, but it felt like I was driving in slow motion. 

When I got to the hospital I ran inside to see Andrine and Jakob there. They were sitting outside Alex's room. 

Andrine got up and gave me a hug. She was in tears. "I'm so sorry Jack." She said.

"Have you guys heard anything more?" I asked.

"They told us we could go see Alex soon. He got a few cuts in his face and a slight concussion. Y/N hit her head pretty bad and she's having an x-ray to see if there's any broken bones or if she got any brain damage. I'm so sorry man." Jakob said.

I felt my eyes watering. I was not in control of the situation, and I just wanted to know if she was okay, or if she would be okay at all. A tear ran down my face and I wiped it off.

One of the doctors came. "You can see Alex now." She said to us.

"Do you wanna come with?" Andrine asked me.

"I think I'm gonna wait here." I said.

They went inside Alex's room and I was standing outside. I couldn't really stand still though, kept walking back and forth. I couldn't stop thinking, but at the same time, I didn't know what I was thinking. It felt like I was waiting forever. 

Suddenly a doctor came towards me. She told me that were was no brain damage, but she had a couple of broken ribs. The cut on her cheek was pretty deep, and she also had a few smaller cuts in her face. 

"We will get her to a room nearby, and you will be able to see her soon." She said.

"Thank you." I said as I felt a big relief in my body.

I waited a few more minutes until the doctor came back and showed me the way to her room.

I felt another tear down my face as I got inside the room. She was laying on the bed with her eyes barely open. I went over to her and sat down next to her. She looked like she was still in pain, which was understandable.

I carefully took her hand. "Hey.." I said.

She tried opening her eyes a little more. She had stitches on her cheek, and it was bigger than I thought. 

"You don't have to open your eyes if it hurts." I said as I carefully stroked her hand.

"It really hurts." She said and I saw a little tear coming down her face.

She turned her head to me and opened her eyes a little more. "I just want to see you." She said and looked up at me.

I was looking into her eyes, her gorgeous eyes. I could really see that she was in pain. Not only physical pain, but also the fact that she wasn't in control. I knew her now. 

She was just looking into the air. "Hey, it's gonna be fine." I said.

She looked back at me. "You're body has been through some real shit, I know that, but I've never seen someone fight back the way you do." I said, and I really meant it. It wasn't the first time I had seen her in pain, but I knew she was fighting, I could see it, I just didn't know if she could really feel it herself.

The doctor came in and asked if it was okay if Andrine and Jakob came in. I looked over at Y/N. She nodded.

The doctor left and Jakob and Andrine came in. 

"Hey, how do you feel?" Andrine asked. 

"Not good." Y/N said.

"We figured you might wanted to rest, so we're gonna leave soon." Andrine said.

"How's Alex?" Y/N asked.

"He's fine, he's probably coming home tomorrow.." Jakob said.

"And I'm gonna stay here.." Y/N said.

I took her hand again and gave it a kiss. 

"He asked about you though. He wanted to know how you were." Jakob said.

"Just tell him not to blame himself for any of this. We couldn't do anything." Y/N said.

"I'll tell him." Jakob said.

"I think we're gonna leave now. The doctor didn't want too many people around you right now." Andrine said.

"It was good seeing you two." Y/N said.

"I love you." Andrine said.

"I love you too." Y/N said.

Jakob and Andrine left. My mouth was pretty dry, so I was going to get some water.

"I just gonna.." I said as I got off the chair.

I didn't get to say anything more before Y/N grabbed my hand. "Please don't leave." She said.

I sat back on the chair. "I'm not gonna leave. I will stay here for as long as you want me to." I said as I was holding tight around her hand. 

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