Getting it done

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The next day:

I didn't sleep too well that night. I thought about what Amy had told me, and I felt a lot more ready now, but at the same time I was terrified. 

Jack's pov:

I was laying next to her and she didn't notice that I was awake. I knew she didn't sleep that well, and neither did I. I couldn't stop thinking about it. What she was about to go through.

I took her hand. "Hey.."

"Oh, I didn't know you were awake." she said.

"I want to say that it will be fine, but I know how hard you think this is. But I will be there for whatever you need, and I know you'll get through this." I said to her. She didn't move or say anything. 

"I'm terrified, Jack." she said suddenly. My eyes were watering. There wasn't much I could do in this moment but be there. I grabbed her and pulled her close to me. I could feel her heart beating so fast. I kissed her on the forehead and stroked her arm. I didn't want to say much, cause I knew it wouldn't help and I knew she went through every thought there was in her head. I felt her getting more relaxed as her heart slowed down.

"We have to go soon." She said.

Y/N's pov:

My sister was also home, and she said that we could use her car to get to the hospital. Going to the hospital wasn't the hard part. I knew that I wasn't having the abortion today, I was just getting it started. 

"We have to go now." Jack said with a calm voice.

"I know." I said back and got out of the bed. 

We went straight to the car and were headed to the hospital. We didn't say in the car, I think we were both just thinking about what was happening. 

It took a while for us to get there. We parked the car and got out. Jack grabbed my hand and held it tight. We got inside and we didn't have to wait. The doctor was ready for us when we came and I mouth started to get dry. We talked about how this was going to happen and how my body would react. I had read all about before coming here, so the information wasn't new. I knew that I was getting a pill at the hospital, and then they would give me another pill to take at home. I was gonna take the second pill at home in a couple of days. The doctor was ready to give me the first pill. I knew that when I got this pill, I had to go through with it. Jack was holding my hand even tighter.

"I'm ready, I said.

The doctor gave me the pill. I looked at Jack and he looked at me. 

Back home:

I couldn't feel anything yet and it wasn't sure that I would feel anything before taking the second pill. The doctor told me just to live my normal life the next days, but nothing about this felt normal. I didn't want to eat or anything, all I wanted to do was to lay in bed, with Jack, so that's what we did.

2 days later:

I didn't feel much after taking the first pill. I felt a little bit sick the second day, but that was it. Not feeling much helped calm me down and I actually got some sleep. 

I knew that it would take a few hours from me taking the pill to actually having the abortion, and I wanted it to be over as quickly as possible. I went to the bathroom after waking up, I didn't hesitate at all, I just put it in and went back to bed. Jack was awake of course. It was important that I had someone with me while doing it and Jack didn't leave me for a second.

We were laying in bed for a while before it started. I felt the pain coming. I started taking deep breaths. The pain came so sudden and it was really bad. I held on to my stomach and started making noises. 

Jack's pov:

She started rolling around in the bed feeling the pain. The pain was so strong, I could see it. 

"Ahh, Jack. I can't." She said.

"I know you can." I said to her. I grabbed her as she was rolling around. She sat between my legs and I told her to take deep breaths again and she did. Her body was so tense. She started screaming and I leaned my body onto hers.

Y/N's pov:

The pain lasted for about an hour. I had never felt this kind of pain ever and I never wanted to feel it again. 

We got to the bathroom and I sat on the toilet. There was so much blood. I didn't want to look at it, but I had to. I had to wipe it all off and get it out of my sight. Jack helped me a little. He found some new clothes for me since the others were covered in blood. 

We got back to the room and we laid down. 

"You did so good!" Jack said to me. I was so glad it was over.

"I'm never doing that again." I said.

We met at X games (Cizzorz)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن