lazy weightloss 🙊

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So this is just stuff I do to sorta maintain my physique even when I'm lazy af.

☆cellulite scrub>
    Combine 3-4 tablespoons of coffee grounds, 2 tablespoons of sugar, and a tablespoon of cinnamon. Mix the drg ingredients thoroughly then add either 2 tablespoons of olive or coconut oil or 1 tablespoon of each. Massage onto spots where you have cellulite or just anywhere really and wash off.

☆lemon water>
   Mix three tablespoons of fresh lemon juice into water with some cucumber and mint leaves. This reduces blood sugar fluctuation by about 10% which helps you avoid fat gain.

☆cold water>
    Once you wake up drink 2 cups of cold water before eating anything. This improves your metabolism by 30%.

☆water before food>
    Drink a cup of water before you eat so it fills you up some before you eat which makes you eat less.

☆smaller plate>
    If you eat from a smaller plate it tricks your brain to thinking your eating what you usually do but your actually eating less.

   When your asleep your not eating. Plus less sleep makes you eat more to get energy. If you get a full night's rest you won't need to eat so much food to get energy.

    Turn the temperature in your house down a few notches. This helps your body burn a few more calories trying to keep you warm.

☆slow down>
    When you beat chew slowly. This allows your stomach time to tell your brain it's full, so it prevents over eating.

    When you eat spicy food it increases your metabolism .

☆peanut butter>
    Eat a spoonful of pb before sleeping. Studies say that this will keep your metabolism up while you sleep.

    Instead if watching a movie, study. Studying has been proven to burn 150 calories that doing nothing. It may not be the most fun but it helps with your schooling and it helps burn the few calories.

☆question yourself>
     If you feel hungry, ask yourself if you would eat a apple or banana. If yes then eat something healthy. But if you said no to yourself your just bored, so go do something.

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