Skin care💜

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Skin care is important for feeling and looking your best. Here are some skin care routines and tips for each of the skin types. But because you have one now doesn't mean it won't change through your lifetime. Sometimes your skin will change with each season, it truly depends on you.

Oily skin:
Ok oily skin in summary is litterly what it sounds like. This skin type tends to produce to much oils, which is not helpful to break outs.

How to identify:
♡your face tends to be greasy and and is shiny during the day.
♡ make up tends to not stay on and will "slide" of your face.
♡pores are easily visibly enlarged, ecspecially on your nose, forehead, cheeks, and chin

Tips for Oily skin:
♡avoid oily foods like pizza and foods that are salty, like chocolate(ik dear lord help.) But on the pizza if you blot off some of the oil with a paler towel a little bit here and there cant be terrible. And foods with vitamins b,d, and e are good. Examples are potatos(not fries.) Beans, tomatos, lemons, and apples.
♡Get good sleep. Try to get atleast six hours of sleep, try to be asleep between 10 pm and 2 am.
♡excersize. I know it seems weird but it helps with blood circulation.
♡avoid stressful situations.

A good routine:
♡ morning and night: first is cleansing, avoid oil based products, something like charcoal soap(removes black heads and dead skin.)
♡morning and night:toner
♡in morning:antioxident serum.
At night:aha/bha serum
♡in morning: zinc oxide sunscreen.
At night: retinol serum.
♡at night: oil free moisturizer.
♡weekly do a clay mask and face oil.

Dry skin:
Dry skin is the oppiset of oily skin. Your skin will not produce enough oil.

How to identify:
◇skin feels tight after showering, and swimming.
◇skin feels and looks rough.
◇your skin itches alot.
◇fine lines or cracks in skin
◇grey ashy skin

A good routine:
◇ morning and night: for a cleanser i would suggest a cleansing lotion.
◇morning and night: toner
◇ in morning: antioxident serum
At night:retinol serum
◇ in morning: moisturizer with spf of at least 30
At night: eye cream
◇ at night: hydeating moisturizer.
◇weekly do a at home face peel and face oil.

Sesitive skin:
Sensitive is just when your skin is really senstive.

How to identify:
♧drag a couple of your fingers avross your face with light to meduim pressure and skin will turn red.
♧ skin bumps.
♧exctremely dry skin
♧burning or sting
♧flaky, peels
♧ develope rashes regularly
♧prone to breakouts

A good routine:
♧ morning and night: cleansing lotion
♧ morning and night:alcohol free toner
♧ morning and night: scent free moisturizer
♧in morning: zonc oxide sunscreen
♧weekly: gel mask and latic acid serum.

Combination skin:
Combination skin is when your cheeks are dry and your chin nose and forhead are oily.

How to identify:
♤skin is more oily in summer and drier in the winter
♤when on shark week you are more prone to breakouts and after that time your breakout clear up and skin might be flaky.

A good routine:
♤morning and night: cleansing gel
♤morning and night: toner
♤morning: light weight moisturizer
Night: aha/bha serum
♤morning: zinc oxide sunscreen
Night: retinol serum
♤night: light weight moisturizer.
♤weekly: clay mask, face oil

Normal skin:
With normal skin there is a good balance of moisture, small pores and even tone.

How to identify:
• yeah bish there is not much to say.

Good routine:
• morning and night: mild or gentle cleanser
•morning and night: toner
•morning: moisturizer with spf of atleast 30
Night: antioxident serum
• night: moisturizer
•weekly: glycolic acid serum

There you guys have it. Make sure with the spf in moisturizers is atleast 30 for the best skin. Bye!

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