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We all need food but some will destroy our body and others will help it.

♧Potato chips and french fries- these foods are greesy and are a main cause of weight gain. A study showed that potato chips will put more weight on than any other foods.when eating potatos try boilong them instead.
♧soda and juice-soda is a given, it buts on weight and one can will take about three hours of running to burn. Juices that you buy have added sugars.
♧white bread-white bread is refined and normally will have added sugars. Eating two peices of white bread will increase weight gain by 40%.
♧freezer foods-when packaging these foods the company loads it with salt to preserve it.
♧"fat-free"foods- when makeing these they remove all the fat which also removes flavor, so they load it with sugar to get the flavor wanted, which is worse then the natrual fats.
♧cereal sold in value size- when there is more we tend to eat up to 22% more than we woukd smaller amounts.

+fruits and veggies- imma just clear this up first. These can either gain weight or lose weight. It depends on where your fat is. If its mainly in your thighs then have at them. If its more around your stomach cut down on them.
+eggs-these where feared for high cholestrol but its been proven that they dont effect heart dieses or blood choleatrol. They are pact with protein and will make you feel fuller with less amounts.
+salmon-these are fatty, which is actually really good. They will make you feel fuller with less and will last. This will make it so you eat less with in the day.
+unprosseced meat- this will not affect your heart contrary to what has been said about it. They have proteins that will last longer and make you eat less.
+avacados-these fruits are filled with healthy fats and carbs. They also are filled with water and nutrients, which is a good balance to eat.
+nuts- these are packed with fats but are not fattening. They improve metabilism and promote weight loss.

Those are foods that will help or not help woth weight loss.

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