Diet talk🍔🍟

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"I should go on a diet." Is one of the most common phrases i hear. First of all it bothers me. The definition of diet is what you eat. So technacly, you are already on a diet. It also discourages you. Instead say that you want to eat healthier. This will motovate you more and makes it seem less challenging. Second thing is know you dont need to, your drop dead gorgeous the way you are. Except yourself and it will be easier to do workouts, go on diets, or go out on a run. Lastly, make sure to study a diet before you go on one. Make sure it fits your allergys and needs. There are also diets that will slim you down but are extremely bad for you. An example is the IU diet. IU is a kpop idol and she did a diet where she ate a apple for breakfast a sweet potato for lunch and protein shake for dinner and woukd workout to. That is about 300-400 calories and on average we need about 2000 calories a day if maintaining body figures and 1500 when trying to lose a pound. Another is the paper cup diet. This is where you have three small paler cups and fill one with veggies one with rice and the last one with fruit. This is about 500-600 calories and not good. So just make sure to look into your diets.

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