Face slimming workouts😝

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Some of us are insecure about double chins while others show them off, which you go girl, but for the other no matter what we atempt to do they are one thing that are like a leach. So here are some facial workouts thay will slim down your face and get rid of the double chin.

》pout at the ceiling. It sounds weird but all you have to do is look up at the ceiling and then pout(stick your bottom lip out) for about 5 ish seconds. then bring your head down again and repeat. Do this as long as you would like really.

》lifting your chin. Stand straight and lift your chin up as far as you can go, take a breath and count for about ten seconds, then go back to looking forward and repeat. Do this as long as you want.

》continous frowning. For this you just want to look forward and pull the corners of your mouth down, aka frown. Then go back to a straight face and repeat.

》so remember when you where in like 1st grade and your teachers had you put a "bubble" in your mouth. So basically do that again then put your hands on your cheeks, pushing them so there is some resistance. Hold for atleast a solid 5 seconds then repeat.

》cover your teeth with your lips, like you are a old lady(no offense) and push your chin forward. It will feel weird but it works miracles.

Those are some facial workouts that will naturally slim down your face, eliminate double chins, and make your jaw more prominet.

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