Thigh workouts👣

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Thighs are a pain in the ass. That is the one place other than my chin and stomach that gains all the fat. Therefore here are some workouts that will help.

Thigh workout #1
30 standing toe touches
20 lunges (each leg)
30 squats
40 jumping jacks
50 second sitting toe touch
60 second wall sit

Takes about a month to see reasults, but it is a good work out. Make sure, as with all workouts, to streach your legs so that your muscel doesnt bulk up but forms a slim toned apperance.

Thigh workout #2
50 jumping jacks
20 lunges(each leg)
10 side lunges( each leg)
40 calf raises
10 plie squats
5 jumping squats

So this one is elinor calder inspired and it is intense. It gi es goo reasults and is definetly worth it. Make sure to streach your legs.

Thigh workout #3
20 lunge jumps
20 lateral leg lift(each leg)
20 leg circles(each leg)
20 fire hydrants(each leg)
20 side kicks(each leg)

This is a gabriella whited workout and it works really well. Make sure to streach aftwerwards.

There are some thigh workouts that work pretty well. Just make sure you streach afterwards.

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