Hair tips💇‍♀️

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So hair is one thing we all have. It takes managment and time and some of us cant do that daily, since we have work or school. So here are some tips on how to help.

>dont wash it everyday. It may sound weird but dont. When you wash your hair every simgle day then it can get deprived of nutrients that it needs to be stronger and healthier. The natural oil that you produce is packed with nutrients that helps your hair, so go as long as you can. If your hair gets really greasy take showers every other day. Or if it isnt that greasy go until it is noticablely greasy.

>brush your hair with a wide toothed comb. It is better and doesn't pull out as much hair as a brush does.

>if you but conditioner in all your hair and then go swimming it will make it so that the chlorine in the water won't damage your hair. Instead it will soak in the conditioner and when you get out it will be easier to brush.

>if you run out of frizz oil a good temporary fix is to run a small amount of lotion through it. It will help until you can get some more of the oil.

>don't put dry shampoo in your hair more than twice a week. It can damage your hair if u put it in all the time.

>some five minute hairstyles are a high ponytail, boxer braids(with practice), sock bun, half poney tail and leaving it down.

>do hair masks once a week to keep it soft and silky.

>for fly-aways use hairspray, lotion, or conditioner. If those dont work go to spray wax it works miracles.

>egg masks are good to moisturize your locks.

That's the end I hope these helped adios!

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