Chapter 17 - Fallen

Start from the beginning

Alice put down her phone on the table of her living room then sat on the sofa. She turned on the TV and watched to make herself sleepy. But in the midst of her watching, she remembered what happened just lately, of how her mother told the story about her daughter's death. It looked and sounded fresh to her. Her eyes full of anger and melancholy at the same time. Her eyes seeking for justice to the death of her daughter. Alice kept on thinking how cruel life is for both Jack and Sally. Based from the letter she failed to send Jack, they were a perfect couple. But somehow between the perfection, comes the tragic experience. Jack is a good person, "was" to be exact, but he began to be different. He let jealousy ate him up, so to kill her in a very brutal manner. She didn't know why but she felt like her impression and image of Jack was a little misunderstood. Jack had so many sides that she is soon to know and currently knowing as of now. Jack was a very mysterious personality. That is to be known in their far encounter to the case. And hopefully soon, they will discover his character and his real identity will be revealed.

For now, they're too far to the cliff. They only just saw the tip of the iceberg. Because of that, she became more eager to know more about him to drop more and more clues to the case.

But on the other side, the case became more interesting for Alice to dig in. Still, her hate toward Jack had never lessened up. He was a mischievous child, a small demon, a man without a soul. She cannot erase that in her mind. Everything is still mistrustful. The letter wouldn't change the fact that Jack was the suspect and he murdered 10 people. It was not a minor crime. Never was. She still aimed for him to be immured for good. The only problem is, he was not well behaved when he got out of the prison. He certainly lacks conviction.

By thinking of what he did to his ex girlfriend, she wished he would just rot in jail when the police captured him. Instead of feeling fear, she felt revengeful to all he did to people. She was staring at the TV show and suddenly, it caught her attention. All the thinking she had done was immediately washed out. All of a sudden, she thought it was a very complicated discussion to think about late at night and what she's doing is far off her field. She already had FBI agents working on it so she must not worry anymore. It's just that, something about the discoveries made her feel more involved so she can't help herself but to dip a finer into the case. But above all the battle of thoughts in her mind, she realized that thinking more about it will make her life stressful and so she will be more stressed as well. She recalled that she has work tomorrow that's why she focused on just watching TV to be able to feel drowsiness so she could sleep early and quickly as possible.

It was a cold Thursday evening. The road was chilly and abandoned outside. Alice was starting to feel the tiredness and her eyes felt heavy too until she received a surprise call from Jack. She answered his call when she was slouching in her couch, almost falling asleep while watching.


"You're still up? What have you been up to?"

She was awakened when she heard his deep voice. It was something sexy. "Really? Calling me this time and that's your first question? What a quickie."

"What are you doing?"

"Watching TV..."

"Me too."

"Great... Why'd you call?"

"Will you hang up if I tell you I miss you?"

"What is this? Are you flirting with me?"

She heard him chuckle. He answered with humor, "Flirting? I don't do flirting to a girl who I've already had sex with." He had a point.

She smiled and slightly felt herself blush to what he said. She remembered what they did a few days ago. "I didn't mean to do it in your office. You dragged me first to it!"

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