Skyla held Sky. No harm will come to her baby.


Alton looked around. "Tucker?!" He growled. "I know you're out there; I can smell you. You have been looking for me, haven't you? Well, here I am, come and get me!"

Alton heard a twig break behind him; he turned, and there stood Tucker aiming his rifle at him. "You are?" Alton forgot Tucker has never seen him as a human.

"I'm the Lycan," Alton said. "The one you been hunting down. The one that helped you with all those robberies."

"Show me," he said.

Alton shifted and growled at him. "Do you believe me now?"

Tucker aims higher. "I should kill you for what you caused, but I think I can use you; you are going to help me take down the bandits that kill my family. And you can't say no."

Alton shifted back. "What will happen if I say no?"

"I'll kill your family," he said.

"I don't have one," Alton glared.

Tucker laughed. "Skyla, and baby Sky, what you seemed shocked. You thought I wasn't going to find out."

"How?" Alton growled. "How did you find out?"

"A little birdy told me," he said. "This woman, she seems to hate you for leaving without saying anything. And I'm not talking about Skyla."

Alton thought about it. "Ah, Melissa."

"Bingo," Tucker smiled. "Melissa, the vampire, she helped me out. She's around here, I told her to keep low, but she didn't listen to me and placed a dead rabbit above the nursery."

Alton growled. "You and she keep away from my daughter, you hear."

"Than help me," he said. "Do what I tell you to do, and then I'll let your family live, but you will die, deal?"

Alton growled. "You're not going to kill me."

"From what I heard, Skyla doesn't want you," he said. "Your immature and is always causing problems plus who you want a freak like you? Look at you, that scar is so, horrible. I don't understand how women can stand you. I bet they pretend to like you to get pleasure."

"Skyla isn't like that," he said.

"Are you sure?" Tucker asked. "Are you positive that Skyla doesn't feel disgusted by the way you look. How about your daughter? She's a baby now but once she grows up, do you think she'll love you, the hideous monster you have become."

"You are trying to anger me," Alton said. "And I won't fall for it, no matter what, Skyla and my daughter will never feel disgusted towards me."

"We shall see about that," Tucker laughed. "So do we have a deal? If you want to keep them safe, you will take their place, trust me; I don't have anything against them; what I know about you lycans is that the females can't shift at all. They are only born to be breeders."

Alton clenched his hands. "Fine, we have a deal, but you better keep Melissa away from them. If she hurts them, the deal is off, do you understand?"

"Ay, I heard you," he said. "Let's go, the bandits that killed my family are planning on ambushing someone, but I can't tell who. Someone hired them, so I need to investigate a bit more."

"Why?" Alton followed. "So that you can do the job?"

"No," he said. "So that I can help, I changed. I don't rob anymore, I protect. I hunt monster like you. So far, I have only killed vampires. Wolves, werewolves, and lycans are harder to kill since they live among us, and I can't tell the differences."

"Good," Alton grinned.

Tucker laughed. "You have a beautiful daughter."

Alton growled. "Don't speak of my daughter or her mother."

"Relax," he said. "I won't let anything happen to them; they are innocent. But I think they'll be better off without you since you seem to cause that poor woman a lot of pain. Why don't you let her go? Allow Skyla to live the life she deserves?"

"It's not of your business," Alton said.

"Fine," Tucker sighed. "But know this, step out of line, and I will have to take drastic measures; perhaps I'll take them both back to my place, and I'll take good care of them. I'll raise your daughter as my own, and your woman, I'll fuck her every night until she can't get enough of me."

Alton launched himself at him, but Melissa showed up and stopped him. "If I were you, Alton, I wouldn't do that."

"Melissa," Alton growled.

"Let's get going," Melissa said. "We have a lot to do."

Alton regrets ever crossing paths, Melissa or Tucker. But he will kill them first before they get to him or his family.

He won't allow anyone to harm Skyla or Sky. No matter what, he will end this once and for all.





Miss SayaChan

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