Chapter. 12

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I'm going to select the winner on the 1st of November, so you have about a month time to enter. I've got about 3 story covers and they are amazing. I hope that you keep sending me more covers MADE BY YOU.

I've got some questions about the competition and I'm going to answer them now.

Q:how many times can I enter?

A:as many as you want to! :)

Q:is there only going to be one winner?


Q:are you going to be having more competitions?

A:I don't know yet. It depends on how active you guys are!




Now onto the story




I woke up with an awful headache. I was supposed to go look for a job today.

I got up from bed and looked for an aspirin in my handbag, thanks god I found one.

After I hade taken it I crawled back to bed and closed my eyes.




3 hours later.

I woke up to someone knocking on the door.

The receptionist had told me to always check who's outsode before opening the door, so I checked. I walked to the wondow and looked carefully out.

''WHAT THE BLOODY HELL!??!?'' I said to myself.

It was ZOE.

Shit!!! What is she doing here and how does she know I'm here.

I got dressed quickly and then I opened the door slowly.

''Hi!'' Zoe said.

''Hi!'' I said and tried to hide the fact the I was about to throw up. I was so nerveous.

''Well, now we're finally face to face!'' she said and ended the sentence with the fakest smile ever.

''Yeah...'' I said.

''Nice place you live in!'' she said with sarcast in her voice.

''Yeah, I actually like it alot, especially blood/vomit in the bathroom.'' I said and tried to break the ice.

suddenly she smiled and it wasn't a fake smile.

''I've missed you!'' she said.

''I've missed you too!'' I said and hugged her.

''And I'm so sorry for what I did, I don't know what I was thinking.'' I said.

''It's okay and I should have noticed that you liked Louis, I was a real bitch!''she said.

''No you weren't'' I said and smiled.

''So...are you still dating. Louis?'' I asked.

'''' she said. I could tell she was sad.

''Do you want to talk about it?'' I asked.

''Um... yeah...BUT NOT HERE!'' she said and we laughed.




''I'll order a pumpkin latte!'' I said.

''What's your name?'' the employee asked.

''I'm Kate.'' I answed.




When we got our drinks, we walked out and sat on a bench.

''So, what happened?'' I asked when we sat down.

''Umm...I found out that he was dating another girl at the same time as he was dating me!'' Zoe said. She was sad.

''What a douchebag!'' I said and tried to make her feel better.

''Yeah...''Zoe said.

''Did you breakup with him?'' I asked.

''Um.. no. He told me that he was dating another girl and that he wanted to breakup.'' She said. I saw tears starting to run down her face.

''Hey, it's okay. You deserve someone better!'' I said.

She didn't answer.

''What do you say about going to madame tussauds. I 've been there already once, but I think you should see it too!'' I said and stood up.

''Okay''she said and stood up too.







I decided to leave this ine short.

I hope that all of you that haven't entered my competition yet, would enter it.

The reason why I'm making this competition is because I wnat to see how you see my fanfic. I hope that all your thoughts would bee on that cover.

I'm really looking forward to announcing the winner.

Love, Ida

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