Chapter. 10

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''Is everything okay'?'' Joey asked, worried.

''Yeah, I'm fine!'' I lied.

We were sitting in the bus on our way to london. I was starting to regret running away, to PARIS.

I was also beginning to worry about what would happen when I came home from France.

My parents would kill me and probably kick me out, Zoe and Louis wouldn't talk to me and Ashley and her friends would probably flush me down the toilet.

What I had done to all of them was horrible.

Suddenly Joey looked t me and said:

''You never told me why you wanted to get revenge on Louis and Zoe.''

''It's just a...thing...that happened...''I said.

''What thing?'' Joey asked.

''Nothing that I really want to talk about.''I said and looked the other way to show him that the conversation was over.

I suddenly felt the tears burning in my eyes and I couldn't stop them.

Joey took me in his arms and hugged me. He was probably the only person who didn't hate me, but if I would tell him why I did what I did to Louis and Zoe he woukd probably hate me too.

I stopped crying after awhile. Joey looked at me with a serious look and said:

''Please tell me!''

And so I began:

''So, I met Louis on a buss last week and we got like stuck in the bus and we talked for many hours...and I fell in love.'' I said and and felt the tears again, but I continued.

''When I stepped out of. The bus he had fallen asleep so I left him my number. The next day he asked me out. He seemed like he really liked me too, so I went on that date with him. Suddenly he got a text that his mum had been in a car accident and that she was in the hospital. He left there immidiately and left me there with all the food. Apperantly he met Zoe in the hospital and he fell in love with her and she fell in love with him. Ge didn't tell me that. Instead he called me and asked me out. I tought he meant as a date so I was very exited. When I arrived there he told me that he was dating Zoe. I got chocked and just ran away from there and I after a couple of hours I went back home and called you to vandalise with me!'' I said.

Joey was quiet for awhile and then he said:

''You are crazy!''


he pressed then stop button and waited for the bus to stop on the next stop.

''I'm leaving! and I'm going to tell Zoe and Louis EVERYTHING! You can go to Paris, but I'm not coming with you!'' He said and stood up.

''Paris was you idea!'' I said. I was angry at him now.

''Yeah, but I'm not going there with a person like you!'' He said. He was very angry. When the bus stopped he walked out.

I was left there sitting in the buss.

Nobody liked me, because I was a horrible bitch, who just makes everyone hate her.

Maybe I can just stay in London.

I checked how much money I had left.

I had exactly 42£.

Maybe I coukd live in a motel for a couple of days and get a job, I thought.







The bus stopped and I walked off. I was back in London. It actually felt pretty good, because no one knew me here and I could just start my life over again.

I searched from my phone for the cheapest motel.

I costed only 6£ pounds a night.

That was perfect and I had almost a week time to find a job.

I started to walk there.




''Hi and welcome!'' the receptionist said and smiled the fakest smile ever.

''Hi, I would like to get a room!'' I said.

''For how many nights?'' He she asked.

''Umm... 4days!'' I said.

''Okay, that will make 24£!'' she said and reached out for my money.

She handed me the key to my room.

The hallways were filthy and it smelled weird in there.

I looked for my room and finally I found it.

I unlocked the door and saw a room with a bed that had dirty sheats. Nothing else.

I opened the door to the loo.

There was something on the floor. I wasn't sure about what it was.

I decided to not use the bathroom.

I sat on the bed and opened my bag.

I had markers, money, my phone, my charger and my camera+my camera supplies.

Yass, I tought.

I placed my camera on a small table and turned it on.

I sat back on the bed and started talking.

''Hi guys, so today I'm going to film

a vlog. I'm currently in London and I'm going to show you what I'm doing today. It's already 2pm, but I think I still have alot of rime to do stuff'' I said and turned to camera off.

I packed my stuff back in my bag, took the keys and left the motel.

I wanted to see London. Now I had all the time in the world.

I took my camera from my bag and started to film again.








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love, Ida

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