Chapter. 5

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I was so full after eating all that food myself. I was worried if Louis's mum was okay. I wasn't sure if I should call him or not. Maybe he wanted privacy or then he wanted to have someone to talk to. I decided to wait with the call.

I unlocked my frontdoor and walked in. No one was home yet. I dropped my bag down on the floor and walked upstairs. I opened the door to my room and fell down on the bed. I was tired, all tough I hadn't done that much today. But i decided to fall asleep.







''Kate, are you at home?''

I woke to my family comig home.

''Yeah, I'm upstairs!'' I yelled and got up from bed. Just when I was about to open the door, my sister ran into the room and yelled:


She had a gold medal hanging around her neck. She was smiling at me. I smiled back and said;

''That's amazing!'' and then I hugged her.

She jumped out of the room still smiling. I laughed.

I decided to walk down stairs.







Louis's perspective







When I had areived to the hospital I ad found out that my mom was fine and tht she could go home already tonight. I was so reliefed, but at the same time I felt awful for leaving for leaving Kate alone at the restaurant. Should I call her or not. I'm not sure if she wants to talk to me.

I walked down the hospital halls and looked around. I had told my mum that I would go get some food, but I wasn't really hungry, I just needed some time alone.

Suddenly I saw girl alone in a room. She had a broken leg. She was beautiful. She looked bored so I decided to walk in and find out if she wanted some company.

''Hi, my name is Louis Tomlinson!'' I said and looked at her. She turned her head at my way and smiled at me.

''Hi, my name is Zoe Sugg!'' she said and smiled at me.

''Wait a second!are you Kate collins friend?'' I asked.

''Yeah, how do you know her!'' she said and smiled.

''Well, I met her yesterday in a bus and she told me about you!'' I answerd.

''So you here now stalking me?'' she said with a flirty voice.

''Not really, my mum got in a car accident so I'm here now!'' I said.

''I she okay?'' she asked.

''Yeah, she's fine'' i said and smiled.

Suddenly I felt hungry.

''So you want to go get some food?'' i asked and looked at Zoe.

''Well Id love to,but I really can't.'' she said with a sad voice and pointed at her leg.

''Well, I could go get something and bring it here!'' I said.

''Okay!'' she replied. Then I left.







Kate's perspective







I had been thinking the whole day if. I should call Louis or not. Finally I decided to call him.

It took about 2 minutes before someone answerd.

''Hi, Lou!'' I said.

''Hi, Louis can't talk right now.'' the person said.

''Who am I talking to?'' I asked, confused.

''You talking with Zoe Sugg!'' she said.

''Wait a second...Zoe??? Why are YOU answering Louis phone??? I didn't know you two knew each other!!'' i said, still confused.

''Well, we met today at the hospital!'' Zoe said.

''Ohh...Is. Louis mum okay?'' I asked.

''Yeah, she's fine!'' Zoe said and laughed at something.

''Look I gotta go now!'' Zoe said and hung up.

What was going on. Shouldn't Louis be with his mother. I was very confused. I think Zoe was a bit rude on the phone and she's not often like that. Why didn't Louis call me? He could atleast have said sorry for leaving me alone.

Well what ever!!!







So what did you think of this part? I know it's short, but when I write short chapters I can write more often.

I'm recently in the library supposed to read Harry Potter, but I just got a big inspiration for this part so I just had to wrote this. Please vote and comment, cause I really want to know you opinions. I was supposed to publice this tomorrow, but what ever.

Btw. please share this with your friends. I would appriciate that alot :)

Love, Ida

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