Chapter. 15

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I sat in my motelroom with aivie script in my lap. What is this life? First I was sitting in a dirty motelroom veing alone and depressed and the other minute I got a part in a hollywood movie!!! I seariously think this is a prank.
Suddenly I started to hear noises from the pool. I went to see what it was about. I saw some teenagers in my age down at the pool. It lokked like they were having alot of fun. They were drinking and laughing and I started to think of the last time I had that mucb fun, but then I realised that I never do fun stuff and I don't even think that I have any friends. All of them live on the other side of England and most of them don't even talk to me, wich sucks. I turned to walk back to my room when someone yelled
I turned around and saw that the teenagers were looking at me.
"Hello!" I said back.
"Do you want to join us?" A short girl with long brown hair asked.
I hesitated. Well I don't have any reason why I wouldn't join them.
I walked down the stairs and sat on a chair.
"Hi, I'm Cloe! The short girl said and smiled with a cute smile.
"Hi, I'm Kate." I told them.
"I'm Rachel! These are Julia and Isac!" A tall girl said.
It wasn't hard to guess who was Julia and who was Isac, 'cause, you know, one is a boy and the other one is a girl. Duuh!
"So what brings you here to England?" I asked, 'cause I had noticed that they had american accents.
"Oh, we just wanted to come to England." Julia said.
"Why are you staying at a motel?" i asked, 'cause non of them seemed exactly poor.
"Well, Rachel keeps doing giveaways on her youtube channel and now she's "broke"!" Isaac said and rolled his eyes playfully at Rachel and we all laughed.

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