Chapter. 4

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I don't know for how long we talked, but when the animal rescue organization arrived I was very tired. They shot some sort of needle on the bear so it fell asleep and then they put it in the car. It took about 15 minutes before we could continue our way. I saw that Louis had fallen asleep. I was going to step off on next busstop, but I didn't want to wake him up, so I wrote a note with my number on and slip it in his pocket, then I left.







When I came home I walked straight to the bathroom, removed mymakeup and brushed my teeth, then I fell asleep on my bed.

I woke up to rain, as usual. It wasa typical english weather. I didn't feel like leaving the house today, so I just sat by my desk and turned computer on. It was old so it took awhile. AsI waited decided to check my phone, but I realised that I had forgot to charge it the day before. So I did it now. Then I walked back to desk. I decided to check my youtube. I logged in. Suddenly I saw that I had got 10,000 views. I just stared at my computer screen, confused. What had just happened. Then I checked my comment secrion and it was full of comments saying:

''You're awsome!''

''We're are so similar!!!''

''When are you going to upload a new video???''.

I felt so happy. These people actually like me. I replied to every comment, wich took me about 15 minutes, after that I walked down to the kitchen. It was 11am. No one was home. They were probably at my sisters soccer game. I saw that mum had left me a note.

''We're at Sarah's soccer game. We're gping to be back at about 3pm. I left some lunch in the fridge, wich you can eat.

Love, mum''

I opened the fridge to see what see had left me. It was some broccoli pasta. Ewww!!! She knows that I don't like that, but she thinks that if she tries to feed it to me everyday, I will like it. But she's wrong. I'm probably going to have to go to the new chinese restaurant down in the village.

I walked upstairs and got dressed. I decided to check my phone. I had got 2 new message. The first o e was from Zoe.

''I'm not going to be able to go to school on monday, can you bring me my homework?''

I replied by saying yes.

The next one was from LOUIS!!! He had sent the text at 1am.

''I found your number in my pocket and I decided to text you because your probably asleep. So HI!!! I'm wondering if you could maybe have dinner with me someday. I'm free tomorrow, or actually today, because it's 1am. So yeah. Let me know.''

I could tell that he was nerveous when he wrote it. I replied to him:

''I'm actually free today already. Maybe we could have lunch!?''

I walked to the bathroom to brush my teeth and when I came back he had replied to my text.

''Yeah, what about at 1'o clock at that chinese restaurant in the village?'' he said and I replied:

''Okay, see you there :)''

Now I just have to look cute, so I ran to the bathroom.







''Hi, Kate. I'm happy to see you again!'' Louis said when he saw me.

''Hi, Louis. I'm happy to see you again also.'' I said and smiled at him.

''Should we go inside?''Louis asked and pointed at the door to the restaurant.

''sure!'' I said.

The restaurant was amazing. It was brand new. In some way it was very cozy.

''A table for two!'' Louis said to the man. He took as to our table. It was by a big chinese themed window. I liked this place alot.

''What should we order?''Louis asked and looked thru the menu.

''I think I want to have plain noodeks and some spring-rolls.''I said.

''I'm going to get that too.''he said.

We talked about pretty much everything, until the vaitor came to take out order.

''What would you like to order?''he said.

''Two plain noodles and six spring-rolls!'' Louis said and smiled at me. I blushed.

''Thank you.''the vaitor said and walked away.

We sat a couple of minutes in silence. Not an awkward silence, but a nice one.

Suddenly louis got and text. He looked down at his phone and got a terrified look on his face. He looked down at his phone in panic and then he looked at me.

''What has happened?'' I asked, worried.

''My mom got in an car accident, she's in the hospital now!''he said terrified.

''Well go to the hospital then!'' I said.

''He looked at me for a second. I saw that he was very thankful. Then he left.

Well I'm going to have alot to eat, i

i thought.








So what did you think. I should fix my misspellings, but Ain't nobody got time for that 😂.

But please vote for me, that would mean so much to me.

Love, Ida

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