We watch as people come in full force, attacking the guards. I quickly realize that these are Vincents guys, coming for revenge. Bullets flying left and right barley missing us. Newt pushes me down, his body slightly hovering over mine as bullets fly past us.

"Stay down, stay down!" Thomas yells.

"We gotta go, we gotta go." Gally urges as he lies down on his back completely, his grip tightening on his gun with every passing second. I quickly grab Newts arm and hoist it over my shoulder as Thomas does the same. We both stand at the same time and begin to practically drag Newt at this point to a safer area, Minho and Gally close behind us.

We settle for a building with the door broken open, even though its close to the battle, it's far enough away to not have to worry about bullets. Thomas and I sent Newt down against a wall as I crouch beside Newt, slightly covering my ears from the noise. My hand finds its way to Newts as I squeeze it tightly. Minho and Gally slip down beside me as Thomas quickly grabs the walkie talkie.

"Brenda." Thomas repeats into the walkie before finally getting a response.

"Thomas, where are you?" She asks, worry evident in her voice. "We're not gonna make it" Thomas says in between heavy breathes. "What-what are you talking about?" Brenda asks, stuttering slightly.

"Just take the others, get them out while you still can." Thomas says while resting his head on the back of the wall, tears slightly brimming his eyes but he quickly blinks them away. A few seconds go by of static from the other side before its interrupted.

"No." Brenda says sternly.

"Brenda" Thomas says back just as sternly, his face stern, as if he were talking to her face to face.

"I'm not leaving you." Brenda says back, a slight quiver in her voice. "So forget it." She finishes, the quiver gone.

Thomas sits there for a second, debating on what to say to her, his face full of so many emotions. I want to say something to him but before I could he raises the walkie to his mouth. He licks his lips before responding.

"Even though you should?" He says before dropping his hand to his side, his breaths finally returning to a normal pace. I hear the static of the walkie talkie as if Brenda was gonna say something but then it's gone. I look at Newts intertwined hands and smile slightly.

This wouldn't be so bad of a place to go I suppose.

I wipe a tear from my cheek as I hear Brenda's voice from the walkie.

"Thomas," she says before pausing, "don't worry, im coming to you." She says, determination in her voice as she turns the walkie off.

"What are you talking about?" Thomas asks. I watch as his face contorts into a look of confusion, as does mine. "Our rides here! Just look for us near the tunnels!" She says, a small laugh escaping her before her voice is gone. I look at Thomas, hope filling my eyes. Minho and Thomas quickly grab Newt and we all haul ass out of the small store we were in. Gally and I lead them to a small sidewalk, guarded from the street.

"Newt, were almost there." I say as I begin to hear him struggle. "Just leave me…" I hear him say before Gally and I jump back slightly as a flaming car goes flying down the street. We all fall back and Minho and Thomas put Newt up against the guard, blocking us from the street. We watch as people run left to right, screaming as if there was no tomorrow. We all look up at the sound of a berg from above us. I smile as I see a berg enter my line of sight, landing by the tunnels where Brenda said.

"Thats them, we gotta go." I say as I bend down with Thomas to grab Newt but am stopped. "Go without me." Newt says as he begins to cough up black blood. Tears flooded my eyes at his response. Does he really expect us to just leave him here?

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