Is This Safe Haven Really Safe? (pt.2)

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I wait anxiously as I walk my room back and fourth from one side to the other waiting for Aries to come and get me. Im excited to finally talk to someone else about this other than Aries and to show them our suspicious and finally have enough people to get out of this place.

I finally start to hear someone crawling through the vent abd towards me. I get on the floor instantly and open up the grate climing inside the vent and closing the grate behind me. I finally see Aries across the vent waving for me to follow him as he mouths 'Come on'. I follow him even though I pretty much know where im going at this point but we have to pick up a newbie. About 2 minutes later Aries cracks open a grate and hits the bed above him. About 10 seconds later a brunette boy with brown eyes pops his head under the bed and gives us a confusing look.

"I have to show you something." Says Aries as we turn around in the vent. The kid follows us to the grate over the hallway we have been looking at for almost over a week now.

"Who are you guys." Asks the kid when we get to the grate." I look up at the brunette boy knowing that Aries would not respond.
"The names (Y/N) and that over there is Aries. He doesnt talk unless he needs to." I say as we look down the grate.
"Are you gonna tell me your name?" I ask while I was waiting for him to introduce himself after I did.
"Oh yeah sorry." He stops "Im Thomas." He says I nod and look down the grate. About a minute later Aries and I start to hear familiar footsteps walk towards the sliding door and move the the left as some sort of routine. I see Thomas squint his eyes as he see the stretchers that we assume are filled with bodies every night. In under a minute again every stretcher is hauled in and the doctor closes the door.

"What was that?" Asks Thomas. Aries looks at me and sighs.
"(Y/N) head back to your room I will explain this to him" I give him a smile.
"Okay." I says waving good bye. They both wave back. I start to army crawl through the vents when I come on a two way vent that goes Left and one that goes right.

'Shit which way did I come from!' I think looking back and fourth from the two choices. 'Okay to get here today I was coming from the left...Right?' I think to myself until finally going through the left way.
'Fuck it.' I think before continuing down the left way. About two minutes later I see a vent grate that leads back to my room. I open the grate and crawl back into my dark room. I presume to take my shirt off leaving only my bra on as that is how I enjoy to sleep. I than walk over to the bunk closer to the door because its right by a heater. I plop down and am contennt until I hear the worst noise I could hear come from under me.

"Ow" I hear a voice say in a strange accent underneath me as I jump off the bed and fall onto the floor. I see the figure soon sit up and call everyone awake.

"Uh...Guys..." Says the strange accent man as he turns on the light making ut obviouse to see my boobs hanging out. Everyone soon wakes up as I see heads pop out from every bunk bed.

"Omg!" I quietly scream as I frantically look for my shirt not sure where I put it.

"Wow! Who are you?" Asks the brit. I can see others with their mouths open and others trying not to loom.

"That doesnt matter I climbed into the wrong room.." I say still looking for my shirt.
"Here." Says the brit as he holds aout a shirt in front of him. Hes not looking at me which helps me see he has a good heart. I can feel myself begin to blush. I take the shirt and throw it over my body.

"Now.... Who are you?" Asks the brit. I say nothing and bolt onto the floor and open the grate.
"Hey! Where are you going!" Yells the boy looking at me through the grate and watching me disappear into the darkness.
I finally make it to my actual room and I check the beds before I jump on one. I confirm that it is infact my room and I plop on the same bed I did in the other one. I feel a sigh of relief as I dont hear someone under me. I can feel my cheeks are still burning red after what happened. But after about a minute I slowly try to forget about it. I let my eyes close as I fall asleep.

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