The Attack

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Newts POV

I can't even believe this guy! Like is he serious!? First he says that y/n and him and dating when she clearly says they are not, and now he's over here saying that we put her in harm's way?!

“She doesn't even need you anymore,we can clearly protect her better!” I yell in Aaron's face as I wave my finger around.

“Newt, stop!” Y/n yells as she runs her hands through her hair. I look at her with a guilty expression as she looks back and forth between me and Aaron.

“Yeah, she seems totally fond of you.” Aaron says sarcastically. I shoot daggers at his way, but before I can say anything Y/n has already connected her hand with his cheek making him stumble backwards.

“CAN YOU GUYS SHUT THE FUCK UP FOR THREE SECONDS!” She yells as she lets out a huff and a sigh. “You guys can figure this out another time, but not in front of everyone, and for sure not in front of my friends.” She says with tears threatening to escape her eyes. I reach out to touch her shoulder but she quickly pushes it away as she look at me.

“Don't touch me, you know I hate that.” She says as she begins to walk away. My heart breaks at what she just said. It's as if someone stuck a thousand needles into my heart. She never had a problem of me touching her before, she at least didn't mind as much as she would if other people touched her. Tears threaten to break away but I quickly blinked them away.

“You guys have fun finishing the game.” She says as she begins to walk over to where Eric is sitting, slightly on edge because of what he had just witnessed.

“You wanna come with me? To talk?” She asks as she reaches her hand out for Eric to grab. He looks at everyone but immediately grabs it, as she helps him stand. Hands still intertwined they begin to walk away, they disappear behind a tiny hill. I turn my head and Aaron begins to walk off, the opposite direction of Eric and Y/n.

“Well shit.” Minho says as he rubs the back of his head with his hand, a small smirk on his face. He look up at me and raises his eyebrows at me.

“Shut up Minho.” I say as I look at the ground. I close my eyes tight and place two fingers on the bridge of my nose, squeezing it slightly.

“Need some air?” Asks Fry as he stands up and slowly walks up towards Newt.

“Dude, were legit outside, where else would you get air?” Ask Minho as he chuckles slightly.

“You know what I mean.” Fry snaps back. Minho slowly nods as he walks up towards the others.

“Come on man I know the perfect place.” Minho says as he places a hand on my shoulder.

“Aris, why don't you stay here and catch up with your gal's” Minho says, gesturing towards Sonya and Harriet. Aris nods in agreement.

“Let go.” Minho says as he leads Fry and I away from the campfire. We pass the tent that Thomas and Brenda were lead in just as Jorge patted his shoulder before walking inside. I stop as I look at Thomas, he smiles at the sight of us but doesn't move.

“Comin’ Tommy?” I ask. He nods happily and joins us on a way up a mountain.

We make it to the top and sit down on rocks poking out of the ground. I look to my left and see Y/n and Eric still walking up a small mountain, hands still locked together.

“Its okay man, she will forgive you.” Minho says as he sits beside me. Thomas furrows his brows before sitting down.

“What'd you do this time?” He asks as a slight smirk creeps onto his face.

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