im bad at this.

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Before I start I would like to say that I am SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SORRY FOR NOT POSTING IN A LONGGGG TIME. It feels like I havent talked to you guys in forever, but let me explain. I have not written not because I didnt want to or because I didnt have time, butttttt its actually because I was writting and planning out the rest of the story that should only be like 7 or so chapters more which is honestly really sad😭 but I have planned out how this story is gonna go and what is going to happen, (may wanna bring some tissues...) And I am so excied to write the rest of the story because I think it is gonna be hella action packed and well, sad. I may even leave the end of the stroy open for some sort of sequel that I have been thinking about since like chapter 5, but idk about how the sequel would go (if I even make one at the end... Idk honestly.) But at the end of this book, dont be sad that it ends because I will leave it open for a possible sequel, most likely. Im not gonna tell you to much because I aint bout to give yall spoilers.

Anyways I havent talked to you guys in a while, how are you? Tell me how your day was? Are you excited for summer? Ask me any questions if you want as well.

Excpect a new and LONGGGGG chapter soon, sorry for not posting in a while I love you all and will forever love you❤

Also hellllaaaa close to 10k so um... What would you guys wanna see for that just so im perpared? Anything specific? Comment what you would like to see for a possible 10k special so I have some ideas. The idea that I pick (If I pick one or get any) I will give you a shout out on the 10k special! Anyways love youuuuu❤❤❤

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