"I work too much," he sighed. "But I'll try, thank you for your concern."

"Skyla, let's go!" Alton had enough hearing them talk. "It's already past bedtime, and Sky needs her bed."

"Well, I'll see you around," Skyla kissed his cheek.

Alton helped Skyla into the carriage. He got in as Lyon sat at the front with the driver.

Alton leaned back and looked at Skyla. "You're getting a bit friendly with him."

"And?" She glared. "I'm a single woman and mother. If Mr. Cox wants to woo me, so be it. At first, I didn't like it, but now I think I'll allow it."

Alton growled. "Fine, do as you wish."

He's not going to let his daughter call another man's father.



Skyla brushed her hair. It was a long day, and she was exhausted. She needs to sleep and not think about the distasteful conversation she had with Alton.

"Hey," Kristy walked with a huge smile on her face. "How was it? Lyon told me what Alton did."

"Yeah," she sighed. "Other than that, it was beautiful. Now, why are you so happy?"

"Tim," she said. "Tim is such a wonderful man. I never met someone like him. He treats me well, and today we went to town, and I saw a side of him. I didn't know he had. Tim is good with children; he's so generous."

"I see," Skyla smiled. "I'm happy for you. If Tim is the one, then go ahead."

Kristy nodded. "Anyway, have a good night." She set the blankets down.

Skyla laid in bed and stretched. Hopefully, in the morning, Alton will apologize to her.

But that didn't happen. Alton didn't stay last night; he left and went to town.

"So, is he not coming back?" Skyla asked Lyon.

"Ah," Lyon rubbed the back of his neck. "I don't know, Alton rented a room at the inn. He didn't tell me if he was going to stay there or not. But if I must say, I think it'll do you two good. I think it was too soon for both to meet up."

Skyla sighed. "I guess your right."

"Do you need me for something else?" He asked. "I'm going to accompany Marla to the city."

"Sure," Skyla smiled. "See you later."

Skyla held Sky as she went to look for Kristy.

"Here you are," Kristy was in the garden watering the flowers. "I thought I got abandoned today."

Kristi chuckled. "Sorry, there's a lot to do today."

"I can tell," she sat on the swing chair and held Sky. "It's a bit windy, but it's nice."

"It's lovely today," Kristy smiled.

The whole day it was sunny, and then it got windy and cloudy. So Skyla went inside with Sky. Kristy followed behind. "That came out of nowhere, " Skyla set Sky in the bassinet. "It's so creepy. I hope Marla and Lyon can make it here before it starts raining. If not, they better find shelter."

Kristy smiled. "I notice Marla and him have gotten closer, and I think its good, but he's a vampire, you know, and she's human."

"Love comes in different forms, " Skyla said. "We should let them follow their paths. We shouldn't get involved unless it's necessary."

"Your right," Kristy smiled. "Oh, here comes the rain, goodness." The cracks of the thunders were loud, and it was frightening so much that it scared Sky.

"Oh, sweetie," Skyla picked her up. "It's okay; I'm here." Skyla looked out the window and saw Elvin running towards the front doors. "It seems as if he got caught in the storm."

They met him near the entrance. Kristy had gone somewhere, probably to get something for Elvin to dry off.

"Here," Kristy came back with a towel.

"Thanks," Elvin took it and dried off as best she could. "That was crazy; the storm came out of nowhere."

"Where were you?" Skyla asked. "That you got caught in the middle?"

"I was checking out the fields," he said. "It seems those men are desperate and are starting to sabotage me. We found wild rabbits eating the crops."

"Wow," Skyla chuckled. "They are desperate."

"Well, they won't win," he smiled. "Where's Alton?"

"In the city sulking," Skyla said.

"Ah," he sighed. "I better go get change. Kristy, please have someone ready the bath."

Kristy nodded.

Skyla went upstairs with Sky and sat near the window watching the rain. It was so scary but delightful.

Alton better, come back.


Miss SayaChan

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