98. A huge slip-up.

Start from the beginning

Sirius and Remus were waiting in front of the bank.
"Hey, puppy!" Cried the werewolf.
"Hello Remmy, Siri, how are you?"
The two men neatly cuddled the boy.
"Super, Kreacher pampers us where he can. And silverbeak and Glubschi make very long trips. they also gossip a lot. They're worse than the director, "Sirius grinned.
Then the Blackerbe turned to Severus.
"So, how do you feel as a descendant of Slytherin?"
The Potions Master looked around furtively.
"Is it perhaps even louder? I think they have not heard you in the Netherlands yet. "He hissed angrily.

Yes, he and Harry had told the Order about his family, but not everyone knew that right away. At that time, Dumbledore's eyes widened, and Moody almost faked his mistake. Sirius had had a laugh and imagined Riddle's face when he found out.
But they all decided to keep silent.

Remus and Sirius looked surprised at their old schoolmate.
"Um, is it possible that you have not read a newspaper today?" The Werewolf wanted to know.
"No, why?" The Potions master asked suspiciously.
"Because that's exactly what it says. The ministry researchers did exceptionally good work. Much to your regret, it seems to me. that came from Arthur.
Severus rubbed the bridge of his nose.
"That's great. Now I have even less rest than before. "
"Explains, however, why so many people are staring at you," Harry said. He had noticed that all along. And he did not like it. the passers-by looked at his husband as if he were the born-again Merlin.
Severus and the others followed the vampire's gaze.
"Let's go to the bank, at least we'll have our rest," Severus muttered angrily.
Of course, they were also stared at by the visitors inside but at least the staff treated them normally. Well, as normal as you just treated good friends.
It took a while, of course, until they had scoured all their dungeons. But that did not bother anyone.

then they went to the shopping, the school things. The list was always the same length. Only in Potions there were two books this year. Severus had told Harry that he wanted to change the subject this school year. There were always more ways to get there.
But first they went to the pharmacy and the stationery shop, then new robes were added. And the twins wanted to show their parents and friends their business, that they had built with Dimitrius. He was alone in the shop today. Nevertheless, he took time for a small tour.
At the back of the shop all the things were kept for special customers. Including the two-way mirror. Which meanwhile everyone in the order called his own.
"Dimi, you are just incredible. What is this? "Harry wanted to know.
"This should be an alternative to the darn Kaminreisen. Unfortunately, they are not finished yet. But do not worry, you're the first to know. "
"You mean, after your wife?" Grinned the Gryffindor.
"Naturally. By the way, it was good that the Order was protecting the shop. There have already been two burglary attempts. And both bore the traces of the Death Eaters. Maybe it would be a good idea to protect the shop in the village. "
this information was addressed directly to the Order members. Severus and the others nodded as a sign that they understood.
"We'll take care of it," Sirius promised.
Of course, she postponed the visit to the bookstore at the very end. so Harry, Hermione and Luna had enough time to browse.
Surprisingly, Ginny had a lot of reading material on her mind. Whereby she kept asking Harry for advice.
Severus watched the behavior of the redhead suspiciously. He had already noticed that the little girl was very often wandering about him and his husband today. Again and again she asked one of them questions or otherwise tried to attract her attention. She even wanted to persuade her parents to become an animal. Molly had decided against it.
"What's up with your daughter?" He wanted to know.
Arthur just shrugged.
"She is about to do something stupid," said the potions master then.
"That's right, but I'm prepared for that. Do not worry Severus. "appease him Molly.
Severus raised his eyebrows but said nothing.

The visit to Diagon Alley was just as strenuous as usual this year. Not only because there was so much to get. but also because of all the people who were constantly sneaking around their group. They were just not commonplace. But it was annoying. And then the Aurors, who were watching out for no Death Eater raids.
So everyone was happy when they came back to the Burrow. severus called Dobby, who was to bring her shopping to Hogwarts.
Harry, Hermione, Luna, Neville and the Weasleys walked into the garden together to play with the gnomes. Molly had even bought some crickets for her new roommates. and the little ones seemed to be very happy about this gift. Greedy they ate the little animals.
Of course, they threw themselves to the Gnome too. After all, the little ones seemed to like this game very much.
severus stood at the door, watching as three young gnomes clung to Harry's cock and spun around. Sirius, who had also been watching for some time, turned into his Animagus form and played with. Shortly thereafter Remus was also there as Wolf.
the Potions master shook his head in amusement.
This went on until Molly called everyone to eat.
Of course, the table bent once again for all the delights. And the woman could not refrain from giving something to everyone again and again. especially Harry and Severus were fattened by her.
"You are both too thin. Especially you Harry. "Did she always say if one of them wanted to protest?
At some point when he really could not stand anymore, Harry decided to "wander" over his food on Ron's plate.
severus did the same, but Remus got his share. The two took it in silence. Grinning only understanding now and then.

After dinner, everyone gathered in the living room to talk comfortably.
"Where's Ginny?" Harry suddenly asked.
Hermione shrugged.
"She said she had something important to do. She would come later. "
Harry did not ask any further, but Severus exchanged an uneasy look with Molly.
"Harry, are you going to play Quidditch again this year?" Sirius wanted to know.
"No, I decided to start something else. Wett- and aerobatics. This appeals to me a lot more than having gossips send me to the infirmary. "
"Can I understand," Remus said.
"And what about you, flea bag? Will you teach with the wolf again? "
Sirius gave the Potions master a playfully offended look.
"Of course, you will not let me go that fast. Old bat. "
"I've said it before, and I like to say it again. Not only am I younger than you two, you do not even look at my age. "
"Yes, because you allow yourself to be rejuvenated by our innocent puppy in exchange for your blood. How far has the world been? "Ask Sirius theatrically.
The whole room burst out laughing.
At that moment Ginny came in at the door.

"Did I miss something?" She wanted to know. but something was wrong. As Harry looked closer, his jaw dropped.
"Ginny, did you accidentally get one of Siam's jokes? Or why do you look like your brothers? "
Everyone in the room gaped at the "girl".
"I'm not Ginny anymore, I'm Jamie now. and no, I do not have the twins to answer for that. I've decided that I want to be a boy from now on. "
As she said that, she sat next to Harry, coquettishly smiling. She, or he, strummed his eyelashes and grabbed the cat vampire's arm.
Harry turned to his husband.
"Help," he said only imploringly.
Severus, like the others, needed a moment to speak again. But then his voice was icy.
"Ms. Weasley, let my husband get his hands on you right away. What do you think about it? I forbid this presumption. "With that, he pulled Harry onto his lap and poisoned the girl, who at the moment was a boy, angrily. Although he knew that he exaggerated excessive but that did not bother him at the moment. The brat had annoyed him all day and now thatpossessively he strengthened his grip on his little one.
The Weasley brothers looked at their sister with wide, disbelieving eyes. Even Hermione, Luna and Neville did not seem to know what to say.
The former Marauders, however, had to take care of Arthur. the man had his head in his hands and visibly struggled with his composure.
Molly was the only one who stayed calm.
"Something like that had to happen sooner or later."
That's all she said before she turned to her "daughter" and pulled her out of the room with her. Ginny protested like a savage, but her mother did not let it stop her.
Harry looked around the room in confusion.
"Does anyone know what that was?"
"Something that my wife had long feared. Only I thought Molly would exaggerate. never reminds me again against feminine intuition. "
Arthur followed his two wives and left a rather confused troop behind

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