Chapter 1

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Being five and a half months pregnant and having to go to a school sucks.

Being a single, five and a half months pregnant girl having to go to school sucks even more.

Nathaniel, the dad of my baby boy left me without even knowing that I was pregnant with his child.

Somehow, he had managed to convince me that he loved me, but then he told me that he only wanted me for sex and that I was stupid to think that he actually loved me.

Nate is a street fighter and is always getting in fights whether its at school or in the arena.

I've only been to one fight at the arena, where Nate won and I met one of his enemy's.

That was before he left me. Now I always catch him making out with girls in the library during TA period or hear a girl moaning his name in a stall when I'm using te restroom.

I know this because he is the only guy with the name Nathaniel in the whole school.

Jeremy, my best friend and his best friend has always been on my side trough the whole thing, thinking that Nate leaving me was a dick move.

Jeremy was the first person to know I was pregnant and has been with me through everything.

Kayla and Paisley, also my best friends have always taken me out to hop or something to get my mind off of things, which ill be forever grateful.

Then there's Bryson. The first time I met him was at the diner that I now work at.

It is a seventies diner that his mom Sabrina owns and we both work there.

I have a job there and a two story apartment so that when my son is born I can be able to provide for him.

My mom pretty much kicked me out of the house..

I don't have a dad. Well, I suppose I do because everyone had one, but I know him as my sperm doner, I could never call him a father. He left my mom and I a couple of years ago to be with his secretary who he has been sleeping with.

He, of course took everything and left. Leaving my mom and I poor until she started being a workaholic.

It pisses me off thinking of my baby not having a dad in his life. I know how it feels having a dad not waning you, but at lead I had a few years with mine, Nate wants nothing to do with me or my baby.

The only thing he has done is pay for the things in my nursery, which he did behind my back, not letting me know.

We never really talk anymore even though he is always with my group and I, but he isn't necessarily mean to me.

Sure, when we do talk, its in an argument, but we never talk about our son, which pisses me off.

One time, I asked him to talk with me about our son, but all he said was "It is your son".

That was when I realized that he is never gonna change his mind. He never loved me, he never will.

I don't think I still love him, I know there are still feelings, but I can't love him. He lost that a long time ago.

Now I ignore him as much as he ignores me and never talk to him.

Almost every weekend everyone stays at my apartment after we all hang out for the day, so I'm civil to him no matter how much I want to go off.

Oh yeah! Back to Bryson! We have even really close ever since we met at the diner and now we hang out almost every day with or without our friends.

Every time I would cry about Nate and another girl, Bryson would hold me and whisper soothing things in my ears.

Although he doesn't make me get goosebumps when he touches me like Nate does, it is still really comforting.

Nathaniel really hates Bryson for a reason we have yet to know.

Oh well, he can suck it up.

"Skylar? You zone out again.." Kayla said as she waved a hand in front of my face.

I looked up from my food and saw that we were still outside at our lunch table an everyone at the table was looking at me.


"What are we gonna do tomorrow?" Jeremy asked.

"I don't know.."

"We should go to the waterfall!" Paisley said excitedly.

"No!'' I groaned "I can't work a bikini anymore! I'm fat!"

Bryson chuckled and put a hand on my thigh "You aren't fat, you're pregnant and you can too work a bikini."

My face became hot as I looked down at my hands and a smile crept to my face.

"Besides, you have swim suit cover ups that you said were too big, just wear one" Paisley shrugged as she put some of her grilled chicken salad in her mouth.

I playfully glared "Thanks."

"So..?" she asked.

Everyone at the table looked at me with puppy eye except for Nate who was on his phone with a bored expression.

"Ugh.. Fine!'' I groaned.

"Yes! Okay, everyone meet at Hawaiian Falls tomorrow at one." Jeremy said excitedly.

Can't wait..


"You ready?" Bryson asked as he walked up to me and threw an arm over my shoulder.

"I'm ready. You?"

"Yup, leggo" he smirked, opening the car door for me.

"Thanks" I grinned.

We are heading to the diner because Sabrina needed a little extra help today for some unknown reason.

The car pulled up to the diner and I grabbed my bag before opening the door and walking inside.

Lots of chatter filled my ears and the sight of a much of people inside showed me why.

Sabrina and two other workers were running around taking and giving orders as they worked and I quickly ran into the bathroom.

The outfit I bright today was a purple poodle skirt with a black poodle and a black sweater that is rolle up to my elbows and shoes my bump.

Slipping into some flats, I also threw my hair into a ballet bun before grabbing my stuff and running back outside.

A table or two must have cleared while I was changing, but some more people walked in.

"Why so many people?" I asked Bryson as I checked into my shift.

"Today is half off because its September eleventh."

Oh yeah! Nine eleven..

That's why the flag was lowered..


A few hours passed an it was dark outside. An elderly couple, a group of teens and a few stray college students working were all that were left.

The diner closes in an hour and a half, so I was getting really excited to go to sleep.

That was, until the door to the diner opened.

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