Virgil Van Dijk (Liverpool)

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Father's Day

I woke up and turned around on my bed, to see if I would hit Virgil to wake him up, but I woke up and he wasn't there. The house was surprisingly quiet, but I ignored it.

I finished brushing my teeth and showering and went down to the kitchen to eat when I found a note on the kitchen table.

'Dear y/n, I have taken Josh (your son) out for a special Father's Day outing. Couldn't wake you up. You were so cute. Love you

I smiled and made myself breakfast.

Hours past and it is almost the evening. I hear laughing coming from outside. I open the door to see my five year old son on his father's shoulders. He was so smily. I waited for them to get back to the house.

'How are my boys?' I smiled picking Josh up in my arms and kissing Virgil.

'We had a great day' Virgil said

'We went to Chessington Park for the day!' Josh squealed

'All this without me' I said. Virgil knew that I was little bit angry

'Yeah. We had a real good father and son time together' he said

'Go on Joshie. Go upstairs and play with your iPad. Daddy will get you ready for bed later. I have to speak to him first darling' I said as he dashed up the stairs

'You went to Chessington with him, all by yourselves?!' I screamed

'Babe, it was Father's Day. I had to leave you alone. You were tired after working all day yesterday' he replied

'I feel awful, VV. It's suppose to be your day. I got you expensive perfume and a new ball'

'Everything you have done for me y/n, I'm grateful. You've done a lot for me. Looking after me during tough football times, giving birth to our child. I want to spend time with our treasure and give you a rest' he held my hands

'I love you VV'

'I love you too brown eyes'

We kissed

'Right, where is that expensive perfume?' He smiles

'Oi, you! You need to get our child to bed before me and you have some together time' I smirked.

'Is that so?' He grinned 'I won't be long Baby'

'I'm waiting' I smiled as we made our way upstairs

The end

A/N: that was rubbish but you're father isn't. Happy Father's Day to all of those brave dad's out there. They love you no matter what 💗. More stories coming soon. Vote and Comment💯

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