Kyle Walker and John Stones part 2

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We were just about to leave, until someone opens the door. It was Kyle, just standing there, and it looked like he heard everything.

'Kyle! What a surprise. What are you doing here?' I asked trying to change the topic

'I forgot my watch here. What are you doing here, with John' he replied, emphasising the last words

'I was just talking to him you know. Just catching up because I haven't seen him in ages' I lied

'Oh just catching up? Ok then where's your bracelet?' He asked looking behind you to see it on the floor.

'Well it's on my-' you were cut off by the fact that it wasn't on your wrist.

You are John look behind as well and find it on the floor. 'I got you that for your birthday 2 years ago. You would go AWOL if it went missing' he adds

As I was still turned around, I can feel shock on his face.

'Also, What's this mark on your neck?' He asked, looking at the hickey John gave me. 'If you really loved me as a brother y/n, tell me the truth'

I just couldn't. I was lost for words. If I said the truth, he would beat the living shit out of John and if I lied, he would still do the same. Tears now glistening in me and Kyle's eyes.

'Ok. Nice knowing you too' he said turning around towards the exit

'Yes I did!' I shouted 'I was with John all this time'

'How long?' He said, still faced away

'HOW LONG?!' Raising his voice and facing our direction

'7 months' I surrendered

He had his hands on his head in disbelief.

'My best friend and my sister has been getting on for more than half a year?! You really do take me for a mug' he says

He turns away and heads for the exit as I burst into tears.

'Y/n, it's good going to be ok' John says

'HOW CAN YOU SAY THAT JOHN?! YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT IS GOING ON RIGHT NOW!' I scream at John tears flowing down my cheeks

John heads out and I follow him as I knew he was going to do something stupid.

'Kyle don't be like this ok I'm sorry' John says tapping his shoulders

Kyle turns around and with spite punches John. The guests at the party all turn their attention to the pair as John fights back and it all turns into a scrap. I stand their in horror, screaming for it to stop. Teammates jump in to stop the blood fest and break up the pair. The manager Pep clocks me crying and ushers me out on the venue. I sit down on concrete with him and I sob my eyes out, leaning on Pep's shoulder.

Minutes pass and Pep decides to drive us back to his place. The car ride was silent as I lost my voice from all the screaming.

Once I got to his place, I had the opportunity to have a shower and freshen up. Pep snuck into his daughter's (let's pretend) room and get a set of pyjamas for me to stay the night.

I wear it and take a look at the mirror

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I wear it and take a look at the mirror.

'Your daughter is such a big baby if she still wears this' you say with a smile

'I don't think she wears that much. She's a bit older than you. 27 years old. But I don't think she will mind.' Pep says

Pep make a hot chocolate with a hint on alcohol but not too much so you could get to sleep

'What was tonight all about' He asked with curiosity

'Oh it's nothing' you say taking a sip of your drink

'Well how can it be nothing when you literally ruined Kevin's birthday. That party meant everything to him. He was scared to do a party like this because of the monstrosity that happened between you three.  Y/n, look at me. As the manager, I have a right to know. I don't want everyone to go back to training tomorrow hating each other. So come on, it isn't nothing. What is the problem?' He said with seriousness in his tone.

You tell him everything from the start to the expected finish. A year rolls down your cheek

'I didn't mean to hurt him Pep. John meant the world to him. He was like a little brother to him.' You say wiping your tears.

'Y/n, I know. I've seen the strong relationship between the pair. Kyle knowing that his best friend had been sleeping with his sister isn't going to erase from his memory. From all four of our memories. And I know he isn't going to cope these first few months. But what you need to do as a responsible sister is that you need to make sure that you two don't burn that bridge. Kyle has known you even before the day you were born. You've known Kyle since you were born. Also you need to end it with John. I know it will hurt but you need to accept the fact that it needs to end. That's the advice I will give to you. Friends come and go, but family stays forever. Even if you and Kyle end it, you two are still blood.' Pep says as I listen. Pep is actually a good manager and best advice giver. 'Go on. You're getting sleepy and I am going to call Kyle to let him know that you're staying here'

You nod. You hug him and thank him for his support and make you way to the guest bedroom to sleep.

To be continued...

A/N: dang it I should have made this into a book. The stories are wayyyy too long but I will make it as short as possible so I can move onto different premier men. Part 3 coming soon! Vote and comment!!

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