Brahim Diaz part 3

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I can't believe it. Part of me tried to believe it but the other half couldn't. I had to accept the fact that I am pregnant with Brahim Díaz's baby

*four years later*

Years go by. It is still just me and my little boy James (Pronounced as ha-mez, like James Rodríguez). I chose this name as even though we were never in touch with his father, I just wanted to let my son know that he had some Spanish in him. I would always spoil him rotten as he was my little baby. He only had me in his life and not his dad. I didn't bother telling his father as he never spoke to me again since we broke up, and up to this doesn't suspect a thing.

Today James and I were going into the Manchester town as we wanted to go shopping for some new stuff. We got dressed up in this cute matching outfits.

 We got dressed up in this cute matching outfits

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We set off into the city.

James desperately wanted to go on a little ride that was at the front on the shopping centre so let him on. He enjoyed every second of it. I studied every feature of his identity. I originally had blonde hair but I dyed it dark brown. So that was one thing me and him had in common. So then I looked at his other side of his family. He had Brahim's smile, eyes, walk. I imagined for a brief moment if it could be all three of us. Me, Brahim and James. Not going to lie. I still fancied him. Who knows? Maybe I would have been pregnant again with our second child. But I knew it was too good to be true. So I snapped out of my thoughts and focused on the present.

James got off the ride and thanked me for letting him on. We entered the shopping centre and walked into the shops, hand in hand. We bought some new matching outfits. I decided not to change outfits so I purchased it and placed them in a bag.

There was a brand new toy store that was opened for a couple of weeks now and James wanted to buy a new toy car he saw in through the window. Out of love I bought the car for him and we exited the shop.

We were walking once again hand in hand until someone tapped me.

'Hey you dropped your credit card' the mysterious person said. He had his hood on so I couldn't see who it was.

'Thank y-' I said whilst he took his hood down and then I froze. And so did he

'Y/n?' He said

'Brahim?!' I said alarmed

James was standing next to me with confusion written all over his face.

'Mummy, who is he?' James said looking up at me

'Don't worry darling it's nobody' I replied

Brahim's eyes moved over to James as he had no clue who he was.

All of a sudden a young woman, around my age walked up towards us, standing next to Brahim

'There you are. I've been looking for you everywhere' she said as she intertwined her fingers and his and kissing his cheek

'It's ok. She dropped something on the floor and I picked it up for her' he replied

'Alright then let's go' she said impatiently. It was so obvious that she was getting jealous.

They turned the other direction and we went our separate ways.

We went driving around together and listened to many songs on the radio. James was seated in the passenger seat singing along to all the lyrics. I recalled the situation that happened today. Is it just me or did I see Brahim Díaz, my ex boyfriend in Manchester and didn't have a clue that he was looking at his son?! Our son! He looked so different. Those 4 years he had changed physically. Hope he changed emotionally. He had grown taller, had a beard and his voice way deeper than last time. I'd be lying if I said he wasn't attractive. Part of me wanted to hug him and give him man kisses that he came back for me. For James. But that wasn't the case. In fact, he looked shocked to see me. I didn't know whether it was in a good or bad way. I was snapped out of my thoughts by James.

'Who was he? The guy that was looking at us funny?' He said

'I told you James, he's nobody.' I said

He continued to look at me

'I just knew him before and then I bumped into him' I elaborated

'In that case, he likes you' he said facing the front

'Do you think?' I said stunned that he said that

'Yeah. He couldn't stop looking at you. Imagine if he you too could get together, get married and then he could be, you know, my new dad' he said

I nearly choked when he said new dad. How would I tell him that he was his dad in the first place?

'You know that it will never happen. Besides, you don't need a dad. You've got me honey' I said

'All of my friends have dads and their dad picks them up and gives them a piggyback and plays football with them in the park'

'James, when we get home, we are going to have the talk'

'Oh no. Not the talk. It's always so sad'

I ignored him and kept on driving. We got McDonald's and decided to eat it at home

We get home and eat our food we bought. Afterwards I call James to sit next to me for the talk.

'James, I know you are angry that you don't have daddy here at the moment, but you have me-'

'But other families have both their mum and dad. It's not fair!' He cuts in

'LIFE'S NOT FAIR!' I raised my voice at him annoyed that he cut my off 'I'm sorry baby but you have to deal with it. Not every family is the same'

He looked up at me and nodded his head.

My phone vibrates and I look at it to see a text message from Brahim

-no name-
Y/n, it's Brahim

How did you get my number?

-no name-
That doesn't matter. I want to see you. And bring the boy

To be continued...

A/N: every story gets longer and longer. Part 4 coming soon.

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