Brahim Diaz part 4

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-no name-
That doesn't matter. I want to see you. And bring the boy

I arranged to meet Brahim at the park and bring James with me. James and I walked together towards the park. I would normally let him run but I didn't as I didn't know why Brahim wanted to see us.

There he was sitting down on the bench and stood up when he saw us. I let James play in the park with his friends and then it was just me and Brahim. Face to face.

'Y/n, I'm sorry once again that I left you' he finally said

I ignored him.

'Who's your little friend?' He asked

'None of your business' I lied.

It was was everything but not his business. I just wanted to scream out 'your the dad Brahim'. 'James this is your dad! World famous footballer' but I didn't.

Brahim shrugs and brings out a football.

'Do you mind if me and him play some football?' He asked

'Don't mind at all' I said facing away from him

Minutes turn into hours and I concentrate on Brahim and James. He taught him new tricks, played and laughed together. And I thought to myself. It's like Brahim knows he's the father. Maybe he does.

Brahim high fives James and walks over to my direction and sits down next to me

'We need to talk y/n. Catch up more like.' He said with seriousness in his voice, giving me shivers of the news he gave me of leaving me

'Nothing really has happened whilst you've been gone' I said 'How is Real Madrid?'

'It's good. It's not really the same without you' he said

'I'm flattered. What do you expect me to do? You just broke up with me. It's not like you asked me to coming to sunny Spain with you. What about my friends? My family if I did agree to go with you? You didn't even check up on me to see if I was ok. You probably didn't care if I died or not. Not until you showed up.' I said with pain in my voice

'I'm sorry y/n-'

'No I'm sick and tired of hearing that apologies from you. If only you were here for us. For me and James...' I blurted out and paused to realise the way I pronounced his name gave it all away. He came closer to stare into my eyes.

'Who is James?' He asked

At that moment I knew I had to tell him the truth

'That boy over there' I pointed out to the direction and he turned around 'that's your son. James Díaz'

He turned back and met my gaze.

'You told me he was none of my business. But all this time, he has been my little boy.' He said

'I'm sorry I didn't tell you. You didn't want anything to do with me so you probably didn't want to see him' A tear trickles down my cheek

'Why would you think I would do that, when there is a child, our child involved?' He said with tears in his eyes

'Maybe you would have thought I only used you for money or to get you back here in Manchester' I said

'No no y/n now you're being stupid. You made him think that I never even wanted him. You didn't even call to tell me' he said

I paused to take this in as I bury my head in my hands as I cried. Brahim sighed and rubbed my back. I sat up and looked into his eyes and he hugged me. I pulled away to wipe my tears and he brought his thumb to my face to wipe my tears. He took the locks of hair out of my face. I was lost in his eyes. After a few seconds, he leaned in to kiss me. I kissed him back. It felt right. All of the memories. Happy memories came flooding back again. If only it could be like this again. Well if it was up to Brahim.

'Come on let's go back home' he said, taking my hand

'What about that girl you were with the other day?' I asked

'Nothing to worry about. We ended it ages ago' he said kissing my cheek

I hope so

I called James back over so we could go home.

Once we got home, I got on the phone so we could order McDonalds. I finished and had a brief word with Brahim.

'I think this might be a bit too early but maybe you could tell James about you being his dad. You know, give him "the talk"' I said

'Yeah I think that is a good idea' he replied

We finished tucking into our dinner and I started to clear all the rubbish. I heard Brahim call James into the living room as he was ready to give him the talk. I just minded my own business whilst they were talking. Later James bursts into the kitchen where I was.

'MUM! I FINALLY FOUND MY DAD!' He screamed. Brahim came in after him and laughed with me

'I'm so happy for you darling' I said hugging him. Brahim joined in with the hug.

Our family was complete


A/N: That is finally over I hoped you enjoyed. I will try and grant everyone's requests. More stories coming soon! Vote and Comment ⚔️

Premier Men (Footballers) ⚽️💘Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora