Raheem Sterling (Manchester City)

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You were seven months heavily pregnant with yours and Raheem Sterling's baby. Lately you had been craving anything that was sweet. From chocolate to Fanta, you name it. You sat in the living room, finishing the last mini chocolate bar in the Celebrations box.

'I need more chocolate' you thought to yourself 'Babeeeeee!'

Raheem comes into the room immediately.

'What's the problem, y/n?' He asked. You could tell he was annoyed after calling him back for the 3rd time

'I want more chocolate.' You groaned, following him into the kitchen

'You want it now? Y/n, I've nearly the play area and nursery' he said

'Pleaseeee Raz?' You showered his face with kisses

'Ok I'll get the car started' he said giving in

You walked over to the car with delight and Raheem drove off down to the shops.

You two get to the shop and is stunned to look at the sweet section. Raheem followed behind you with the trolley.

'Bounty's, Celebrations, Galaxy Cookie Crumble, Cheetos, Hershey's' you said as you were dropping the all into the trolley.

'Y/n, Are you going to finish all of this?' Raheem asked stunned at how much food you were taking

'Of course. Just bear in mind, I am eating for two' You replied, rubbing your bump. 'Ok I think that is enough food for now.'

You two were walking to buy all your items until you saw a big bottle of coke sitting pretty that you really wanted.

'Also the coke' you said grabbing it

'Y/n, you are so not drinking coke whilst you're pregnant' he said taking it out of the trolley.

'Nooooo Raz I want it sooooo bad' you said as the hormones were getting the best of you

'No y/n and that's it' Raheem said as he wheeled the trolley to the check out area.

You both bought your food and got into the car. All of a sudden, you burst into tears

'What's wrong babe?' He said whilst driving

'I really wanted the coke' you wailed like a five year old

'Is that really why your crying?' He asked laughing

'Yes, now make a U turn and let's get it'

'No y/n and that's final'

It became dark and nighttime fell. You ate most of my chocolate and sweets that was bought. Afterwards you fell asleep.

A few hours later at 3am, you kept on twisting and turning. You just needed something, and it was the coke.

'Raheem' you whispered

'Razzzz' You shook him in an uncomfortable position

'What is it babe?' Raheem said in his hot sleepy voice

'I'm craving again'

'Oh God y/n go back to sleep'

'I need the coke Raheem'

'I told you y/n. No. Go back to sleep and forget about it'

You tried to go back to sleep but it wasn't working so you were determined to get the drink

'Razzzz' you whisper shouted

'Here take it' Raheem chucks the can of coke at you

'Yessss' You whispered to yourself

You downed all of the coke down in one go and burped really loudly

'Oof I needed that' I said

'Happy now?' Raheem mumbled

'Yup. Thanks baby' I replied

'Anything baby. Now get to sleep' he whispered as he faced your direction and wrapped his hands around your stomach

tHe EnD

A/N: three stories in one day?! I was bored so yuhh. Vote and comment 😈

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