I just wanted to go, with her by my side, without the drama. Without the complications the last month had brought us both.

In the task of asking her, it became more complicated when I found out she was working. I was being pressured to confirm my plus 1 for the night. So I knew I had to ask her as soon as I could.

The plan was now to head down to the school. To pop in and see George and the kids. Then to ask her what I needed to and be done with it, as it was causing me a fair bit of anxiety.

100% there we're definitely nerves surrounding having to ask her. I wasn't scared for her response. I was more nervous that this was such a big step.

I hadn't seen Georgia since Marcus told me everything and in all honesty I wasn't sure how I would react to seeing her. Or how she would react to seeing me.

Of course I still denied everything they told me, but there were always doubts in my mind as to if what they were saying could be true.

I drove to her school and got parked across the road. I arrived just before the end of school so I knew I would have time alone with her once the place cleared out.

Walking through the halls of the school, I lurked around until I found her classroom.

I leant against a nearby wall as I tapped my feet at a rapid pace against the pavement. The clicks being heard from those passing through the halls.

I waited impatiently, looking toward my phone frequently for the time. Once I heard the bell go off through the halls, it was followed by a stampede of kids in a rush to reach home.

I slid past them all as they ran to their parents, sneaking to the door across the hallway, one closed door away from asking Georgia.

My stomach knotted up, my hands clammed with sweat. I was nervous, incredibly so. But I then reminded myself who I was talking to. It was only Georgia, the person I was closest to in this world. Yet I was afraid to ask her I question I was sure she would say yes to.

It showed how far we had come. We weren't the same anymore. The inevitable had occurred. I had let my feelings get in the way.


Georgia's POV

I was almost finished work for the day, stacking my books, one on top of the other. Placing all of my stuff away in my desk for the weekend.

I was counting down the seconds I had left in the day, hoping once it was over that I could head home and relax for the weekend.

The school bell was fast approaching, and all the kids anxiously awaited the sprint out the door. All anyone wanted to do on a Friday was to go home.

Eventually, we heard the bell go, ringing through the classroom.

It never got any easier to hear everyday, reminding me of my school days was never enjoyable. But I loved teaching, I loved my group of students. I felt lucky to be in the job I was in.

"Alright everyone, pack up, push your chairs in and have a good weekend" I announced with caution, knowing they all eagerly awaited me saying that. I observed from my seat as they pushed their chairs in and hurried to their bags.

Everyone was packing their bags, as parents entered to help them and take them home.

I got up from my desk and walked toward one of the tables that had been left a mess. I began packing up some left over toys and pencils and doing an overall tidy of the classroom. Something I did before leaving it for the weekend.

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