Rain { Minhyuk POV }

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Author: @killingmebtob // Sara

Title: Rain { Minhyuk POV }

Characters: Minhyuk and Reader

Summary: The rain falls and memories decide to pour along with it in his point-of-view.

Author's Note: This POV has been requested more than a year ago. I only got to finish it now despite starting it July last year. I'm sorry if it's shorter than Rain but I just wanted you to know what was going on in Minhyuk's head at that time. Enjoy. Please do let me know your thoughts! :)


I couldn't help but bitterly smile at the sight of it. Based on the forecast, the rain today would be terrible yet I still dragged myself to step out of my cold house. The skies were dark and gray and there was barely anyone on the streets as I made my way through town in one of my most casual clothes. I was thankful because I didn't have to worry about being seen by people. The only things I had with me were my phone, my wallet, and this umbrella.

I would have stayed home but there was something nagging me to walk. With each step, my mind was trying to force back memories that I've been trying to bury. They were my most treasured moments but I didn't want to remember them. I didn't want to because I'll be reminded of the biggest mistake I've made in my whole life.

As I was walking, I passed by a familiar café. I studied its exterior, noting that it hasn't changed since the last time I... we were here.

"Can we stop here for a while until the rain stops?" She asked as we stopped in front of a small coffee shop tucked in one of the corners of the street.

From the outside, one could easily feel the warm vibe the café offered thanks to the lighting and the fixtures that were visible through the window. There was barely any customer inside, probably due to the rain.

My gaze shifted back to her hopeful smile. It was the one she usually wore whenever she'd request that we stop by a certain place before I finally bring her home. Every time I see that, every nerve in my body would agree to her wish.

When I nodded, her eyes turned into crescents and the smile on her lips brightened as she thanked me. I was about to tell her that there was no reason for her to say thank you but she had started pulling on my arm towards the shop. Her soft laugh rang in the air despite the sound of falling rain.

Warmth filled my heart as I watched her. Even as we sat in front of each other in the coffee shop, I couldn't shake that swelling inside my chest. I could never begin to describe how joyful she made me feel. It was as if everything was fine and everything would be fine if she was around.

The soft music in the coffee shop paired with the aroma of coffee further spurred on that warm feeling.

A bell rang, causing me to break from my memories. I watched as a couple exited the café, which was the origin of the sound. They both shared an umbrella as they closely walked to avoid getting wet.

Thanks to their exit, the familiar aroma of coffee wafted through the damp air. The scent was somehow being overpowered by the musky smell due to the rain but it was there. A shuddered breath escaped my lips. I didn't know if it was due to the cold or the emptiness in my chest. But the smell of coffee brought back her smiling face in my mind.

I walked away, left knuckles turning white around the umbrella's handle.

I had everything I wanted but I took it for granted.

"It's different with her," my reasoning echoed in my head. It was deafening. It blocked out the heavy drops of rain.

Where did those words take me?


I was wrong. I was a fool. I was blinded by a momentary thing that I lost sight of what truly mattered to me.

I stopped at an intersection. Despite the haze, I could faintly see a person standing on the other side, beside the pedestrian's signal light that was bright red.


The color reminded me of how her cheeks burned with anger. Her eyes were filled with resentment and defeat at all my excuses.

"I'm sorry. It's just..."

The words still left a bitter taste in my mouth. I remember rattling my head for another excuse. I was getting frantic that time because I saw it in her eyes that she didn't believe my words—that she knew everything I was trying to hide. I couldn't look at her back then. I felt like I didn't deserve to look into those pair of orbs that reflected her soul.

I knew I didn't. Not after how I slowly stopped being present in her life when I met an old friend. That friend used to be someone whom I had strong feelings for. Seeing her again, it made all of those emotions come back.

I spent less time with her and more time with my old friend. I kept on feeding those emotions when I shouldn't have. I blinded myself with the thought of her that I forgot that there was someone else who was waiting for me—someone else who was hurting because of me.

Unanswered calls and texts, cancelled plans, always being "too busy with work" to meet up.

I never realized it then that she endured so much to the point that all she could do was stop and give up. She held on for months, patiently waiting, until she broke. All because of me and my wrong choices.

Her eyes that were brimmed with angry and pained tears that she tried not to let loose flashed in my mind. The disappointed frown on her lips...

I shook my head.

I knew she wanted to scream at me. Sometimes, I wish she did so that she could somehow let the pain out. I wanted her to hit me—to punch me, to kick me, to make me feel the pain she was experiencing because of me. But she didn't.

She did her best to talk calmly. She did her best to stay strong. At least, until I said those horrid words.

Once again, my statement echoed in my mind. "It's different with her."

A hallow pain settled deep within me.

No, it wasn't different with her. It never was. I was a fool to see that before. I couldn't take it back anymore. I've dropped those words and they've caused their damage.

"I wonder how you are," I whispered against the cold rain. My eyes lifted to watch the darkened clouds. "I'm sorry," I uttered, hoping that the rain would wash those words to where she was.

From the corner of my eye, I saw the light turn green. With a huff, I started walking down the street. I couldn't help but glance at the person who was coming from the other side. Whoever it was gave me a familiar feeling, as if I know that person well.

I kept my eyes on the figure and I almost stopped when I realized who it was.

It was her.

There was no mistaking it. Her stature and the way she walked with the umbrella. Even her clothes.

My lower lip trembled as my right hand twitched. With each step I took towards her, my heart pounded faster. She was walking on my right side. I could easily reach out to her, grab her by her wrist, then ask her to talk. Plead, even.

Take me back, I cried in my head. We were about two feet apart by then.


But her words resonated in my mind. "If we do meet again in the future, let's not greet each other."

I bit down on my lip. Three steps. Two.

What do I do?

In that moment, our gazes met. All thoughts inside my head disappeared and all that was left were her surprised eyes.

A choked sob raised in my throat at her being within reach. I could have reach out or said her name. I could have done something but all I did was to watch her turn away and continue walking as if we were just strangers.

I stood there in the middle of the street, pain, regret and emptiness filing my chest, as rain poured all over me. All I could hear aside from the rain were her words:

Goodbye, Minhyuk.

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