Loud and Clear // Im Hyunsik

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Author: @killingmebtob // Sara

Title: Loud and Clear

Characters: Hyunsik and Reader

Summary: He wrote song after song in hopes that one day, she'll hear his words for her.

Author's Note: This was requested through our ask box. This imagine is loosely based around the song Gitara by Parokya ni Edgar. It's a Filipino song so if you need translations, I'll gladly provide you with a rough one.

"Knock knock,"

Hyunsik couldn't fight the smile on his lips at the sound of her voice making herself known to him as the door opened. There was only one person in his life who'd rather say that words 'knock knock' instead of actually knocking her knuckles against the wooden door. Her head peaked in, a smile donning her lips when she found who she was looking for. Quickly, the girl stepped in and slid the door closed.

"I can't believe you," she huffed, pressing down on her uniform to remove the creases. Afterwards, the girl proceeded to pat down her hair which she felt was sticking out in different directions.

"You look fine, (Y/N)," Hyunsik smiled before going back to playing his guitar.

She sighed before plopping down on one of the empty stools inside the room as she listened to the song her friend was playing. "Why do you always disappear when those boys crowd around me? It's difficult to get away from them when I'm alone,"

Hyunsik could picture an animated image of her with waterfalls as tears in his head. He almost laughed at the thought of it. "They're noisy and there isn't really anything for me to do," he nonchalantly answered. Deep inside though, he always wanted to grab her wrist and pull her away from them.

It happened on a daily basis in their lives. (Y/N) wasn't the most popular but she always had a number of suitors pinning after her. Every time they were walking down the corridor to head to the cafeteria, a random suitor of hers would pop in out of nowhere and get in between them. It would often result in the girl apologetically smiling at Hyunsik while trying to subtly deny the other person.

But she was too nice. She couldn't tell them an outright no. Somehow, that pissed off Hyunsik but he learned to live with it. Instead of staying around and waiting for her to manage turning down the suitor for the meantime, he would silently walk away and head to the music room. In the back of his head, he would always say to himself that she wouldn't notice anyway.

(Y/N) heavily sighed to herself at Hyunsik's words. She wanted him to do something like how a Prince Charming would come and rescue her from the hoard of boys pinning after her. Somehow, she knew that he wasn't that. Deep inside, the girl felt like he never saw her as more than a friend. The girl shook her head as she forced those thoughts away.

"New song?" She softly spoke after a while. Hyunsik was humming a new tune while he played the guitar. It was one that she was unfamiliar with. The girl was always left in amazement every time Hyunsik wrote a new song. It seemed like an innate talent of his.

The boy nodded his head, a grim smile on his lips. He kept on thinking about the words in the song. He couldn't sing it yet, not when they were still imperfect. Hyunsik wanted the song to fully convey the words he couldn't tell the girl seated a few steps away.

"Sounds beautiful," (Y/N) gently smiled. "Well, all the songs you make sound beautiful. You've been overflowing with inspiration lately,"

"Ah," he awkwardly laughed because his inspiration was seated right in front of him. "Well, I guess I'm lucky,"

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