Mr. Diamond // Lee Changsub

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Author: // Sara

Title: Mr. Diamond

Characters: Changsub and Reader

Summary: A blind date gone wrong.

For the nth time tonight, I plastered the fakest smile on my lips as I tried my best to not roll my eyes. What wrong did I do to be thrusted into a situation like this? All I wanted was to go home and rest after a long day from work but no... I'm here, having dinner with an absolute stranger, my best friend and her boyfriend.

He said another joke but I barely understood the punchline. Oh, wait. Was there even a punchline? My ears hurt as it listened to the sound of my fake laughter.

Oh God, save me please. I don't think I can last another minute with this stranger who only kept on bragging about how high tech his vehicle is. I wished I timed it because I'm pretty sure that he's taken up 20 minutes just talking about its features and all the wonderful things it can do.

I rolled my eyes, unable to hold it in anymore as my eyes landed on the group at the table next to us. They were a group of 7 guys, probably friends, and they seemed to be having a good time. I heavily sighed as I watched in envy. One of them, the closest one to our table, turned to look at my direction and he met my eyes.

He was the whitest of the group and he had a really distinguishable nose, which was cute. His lips lifted into a consoling smile as he eyed me. I almost laughed when he looked at the stranger in front of me before rolling his eyes. Before his friends even noticed, he broke our short moment and I was brought back by the man in front of me to the conversation at hand.

"Hey. Were you listening?"

No, I obviously wasn't Joe. Geez, I can't even remember his name. "Sorry, something was on my mind. What were you saying?"

"So you know how my car is powered by..." Once again, his voice faded and just became white noise along with all the background sounds in the restaurant.

I was about to follow-up our dinner but it seemed like something went right for once. The food finally arrived. My eyes almost popped out of their sockets when I saw how large the serving was. On a normal day, I'd be able to finish the bowl in front of me but today, my appetite took a vacation because of the annoying human in front of me.

I did my best to eat normally but he probably noticed me not eating as much.

"Not hungry?" He asked though he sounded a little annoyed.

"No," I shortly answered, not wanting to engage in any conversation with him.

I had to stop myself from glaring at him when he scoffed, "Oh, wow. I thought you'd be able to finish that easily. Maybe we should've ordered you something for ladies. Hm... Like a salad? Are you on a diet?"

My hold on the chopsticks tightened as he smirked. I was biting on my tongue, trying my damned hardest not to lash out. Every second I spent here was just going to waste. I should be home and resting. Not wanting to let him walk all over me, I ate my meal and finished it.

"You okay?" My best friend finally decided to ask, thank the heavens!

"A little sleepy," I tightly smiled. I was tired from working for the whole day and then I'm being exposed to this jerk in front of me. I'm surprised my energy hasn't been fully drained yet but I'm sure that I'm about to reach that point. Just a little more and I'd probably be seeing red.

Once again, he tried to say something value-adding. "You just ate and now you're sleepy?" He chuckled while shaking his head. "Damn, what are you? Some kind of pig? Isn't that what pigs do, eat and then sleep?"

My jaw literally dropped at the rudeness. I was about to say something but I realized that I shouldn't stoop down to his low level. I forced a smile and tried to laugh but all that came out was a string of dead ha's.

For the rest of the meal, I barely spoke and just stayed on my phone. He even invited me to watch a movie afterwards but I quickly shot him down. Who in their right mind would agree to watch a movie after getting insulted? We were just waiting for the bill and we'll be ready to go.

"Oh," he seemed to remember. "Right. Where do you live again?"

Why the hell does he want to know?

"Somewhere around Insadong," I simply answered.

He nodded once. "Okay. Oh, just so you don't get the wrong idea, I'm not taking you home. I just want to know where I'll be dropping you off,"

My blood boiled. I wanted to throw a fit. I was about to snap at him that I wasn't asking him to take me home but embarrassment managed to take over my whole being as I sat there. My heart was pounding not because I was happy and giddy but because I felt greatly disrespected. I was still trying to collect myself to give a proper response when I heard the sound of a chair screeching.

"Hi," an unknown person said. My eyes widened when I looked at who it was. The man I had a small moment with was now standing beside me while his eyes were shining with controlled rage and annoyance. "Sorry, I couldn't help but overhear your conversation given how loudly you were talking,"

I bit my lip, feeling humiliated once again that this stranger was doing something like this.

"Don't you have any manners? You keep talking about your car and how you take care of it but you don't even know how to take care of a lady's feelings," he shook his head as he turned to me. The man gently grabbed my wrist and carefully pulled me up.

"What are you doing?" I uttered.

"Taking you home unlike the douchebag in front of you," he simply said before he was tugging me out of the restaurant.

He kept on walking while I was trying to match his pace from behind. Let me tell you, it was difficult given that he had longer legs than I do. What in the world did I do again to be dragged by a man? A good-looking man at that.

Finally, he stopped at a bench in a nearby park. He sat down on it while I just eyed him weirdly.

"Is this how you're taking me home?"

He chuckled as he shook his head. "No but I thought you might want to breathe for a little while. It was suffocating back there," he gently smiled at me. The way the lamp post lit his features was beautiful. "Sit,"

Hesitantly, I sat on the space beside him but I didn't stay too close to him. Who knows what this man might do to me. The sound of leaves rustling and dancing along with the wind filled our ears along with the faint sounds of cars and buses in the city. I smiled at the comfort it brought.

"I'm sorry you had to witness that," I told him after a while. I was absent-mindedly picking at my fingers as I did so. "You didn't have to do something like that,"

The man scoffed. "I can't just sit there while someone was getting disrespected. No woman should have to deal with that kind of situation,"

I gently smiled. "Thanks. I guess... I just didn't like it that someone had to stand up for me but I really appreciate it,"

"It's not a problem at all. Don't mind that guy. He's just a speck of dust in this world,"

I chuckled. "While you're a diamond after the heroics you did?"

A wide grin settled on his lips as his eyes shone in the dark. "Maybe,"

"Okay, Mr. Diamond," I softly laughed. "What's your name? So I can thank you properly,"

He shook his head. "You've thanked me enough. Sitting here and chatting with me is enough for a thank you. Actually, leaving that place was enough thanks. I had to leave my friends but they'd understand,"

"Boo hoo," I faked. "Okay fine. What's your name?"

"Changsub," he warmly smiled.

I nodded as I introduced myself as well. "Thank you, Changsub,"

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