Forget-Me-Not // Yook Sungjae

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Author: @killingmebtob // Chi

Title: Forget-Me-Not

Characters: Sungjae

Author's Note: This based on my favorite myth. Can you guess what it is?

Summary: Sungjae went on a vacation where he met a strange girl who can't say a single word except his name.

Sungjae chose that place and time of the year to take his long overdue vacation. He has been working day and night for almost all days of the week; he made sure that all his projects were well worked on. Despite his full schedule and being one of the country's top celebrities, he made sure that he gave his one hundred percent in anything that he does.

Work like a rookie.

That was his motto in life. It was his way to give thanks for all the blessings that he received.

It was a known fact and it had been in different articles how much Sungjae has been blessed. He came from a well-off family; his parents are more than supportive of the things that he wanted. His sister is the same too. He has a great career and great friends that are like brothers to him. He's good looking and has a great voice. People say that he was born under a lucky star but despite those blessings, Sungjae lived humbly. That was the factor that made people seal their belief that Sungjae truly was a blessed soul.

Sungjae sometimes thinks that people were just exaggerating but when he thought about it, he'd realize that he does have all those blessings. Then, he'd wonder why.

Did I save a country in my previous life? He would sometimes think.

With that in mind, Sungjae never failed to give back to people and to give thanks.

After working hard for many months, Sungjae decided that it was time to reward himself with a one week vacation. The only problem was everyone knows him and if someone spots him and recognizes him, it wouldn't be a vacation. So, he chose the most remote part of the country for his vacation and travelled to the place secretly with the help of his manager.

That was his plan. It was a carefully laid out plan and he even thought of his disguise just so they were sure that no one would recognize him. He made sure of that.

He was sure that it'd work.

He was.

But not anymore.

Not since he felt an unknown presence near him that morning when he went out of the lodging house where he stayed.

With a bucket hat that almost covered his eyes, a fishing pole, and a bucket of bait, he went out to fish in the nearest lake. It was a cloudy day and it seemed perfect to be outside.

The moment his foot stepped outside the premises of the lodging house, he felt like someone was looking at him. He quickly dismissed it and thought that maybe he was just paranoid. Who could blame him? Most of his life, he was surrounded by the people's attention that he couldn't help but to feel like that.

He continued his walk down the lake and settled on the banks where he thought there would be good catch.

Fishing needs patience and precision and that's why he loves it. It's his favorite hobby of all.

He drank from the can of beer while he waited for a catch.

Minutes passed by and Sungjae felt it again—like someone was watching him.

At that moment, he's quite sure he wasn't just imagining it. He heard leaves rustled somewhere, an indication that he wasn't the only one in the place.

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