Unspoken Words // Lee Minhyuk

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Author: @killingmebtob // Chi

Title: Unspoken words

Characters: Minhyuk and Reader

Author's Note: This so short. Just trying to make short ones again.

Summary: Minhyuk receives a call.

Minhyuk hurriedly went out of the studio as soon as the recording finished. His manager was still in the middle of telling him his next schedules when he grabbed his jacket and cap to head out of the building.

It was already late into the night but luckily he was still able to get a ride.

Inside the cab, he glanced at his phone a couple of times. He wasn't particularly looking at anything, but he was recalling the phone call he received before he started recording.

He felt his heart drop when he saw the familiar number on his screen. It was her. He answered it with hesitation, not knowing what the purpose of the call was. But what he heard wasn't what he expected.

Sure enough he heard her voice but there were too much noise and many other voices. He heard her laugh drunkenly, slurring her words when she spoke not to him, but to someone else.

The phone call ended as sudden as it started.

Minhyuk got worried and he thought he should find her.

There weren't that many bars in the area so he visited them one by one.

He found her in the fifth bar that he went into.

He knew it was her even with the dim light. He could recognize her even when she was in the middle of the crowd wearing a tight skirt and a halter top. It wasn't something that she usually wore.

She danced in the middle with a bottle of beer in her hand, obviously drunk. He knew she wasn't used to drinking and partying. Hell, she rarely goes out and socialize. His heart broke when he saw his ex girlfriend in that state.

What happened?

It's been months since they broke up. Since then, they haven't spoken to each other so it was a surprise when he got the call.

Three guys made their way to her slowly. Dancing while getting close to where she was.

Minhyuk eyed them and he knew they weren't up to any good. Before he reached her, he saw one of them place his hand on her waist.

His senses turned up so high that he crossed the distance to them in a second. He grabbed the man's hands away from her.

"Stay away from her." Minhyuk said. His jaw clenched in anger.

"Minhyuk?" He heard her say upon recognizing him. She tried to focus her eyes to see if she was right. "What are you doing here?"

"Ok, man." The guy said backing away. "I didn't know she was with someone." He tapped his other friends and left the two alone.

As soon as they were out of sight, Minhyuk looked at the woman in front of her. She was still looking at him, blinking as if trying to sober up.

"You," he said, grabbing her arm. "Come with me." He pulled her and headed for the exit. He held her firmly as he gritted his teeth in anger.

She tried to struggle but she was too drunk to even put up a fight.

He didn't stop walking, not until they reached a quiet alley, away from the noise.

"Let go of me!" She said pulling her hand with all her strength. "You're hurting me!"

Minhyuk, realized he was holding her wrist too tightly. He immediately let go and he saw the red marks he caused.

"What the fuck were you doing?!" He shouted at her.

She was taken aback but there was pure anger in her that fired her up. "I was having fun but you went and ruined it!"

"Having fun?" He laughed sarcastically. "You sure were having fun with those men."

"I don't know them. I didn't even know they were there." She felt like a fool trying to explain herself. "Why do you care? That's none of your business anymore!" She spat back.

Minhyuk felt his blood boil. She's right. He lost the right to care for her when he ended their relationship. He hated himself for it. He wanted to let out all the rage inside him. "Yes, you're right. I shouldn't care anymore. I shouldn't care even if you go around dancing with a guy. No, wait. One guy isn't enough for you anymore, right? You wanted more. There were three guys there. Do you do anything more than dancing?" He glanced at the bottle of beer she was still holding. "What, you go around and get drunk every night now? Different men every night? I bet you sleep with them too. Have you sunk that low? Are you a whore? Is that what you–"

Minhyuk felt a ringing inside his head the moment her hand slapped his face. The impact was too huge that it broke the side of his lip.

It woke him up. Especially when he saw her, clenching her jaw, face red in anger as tears streamed down.

That was the moment that he wished he could take back everything that he said.

"You shut your dirty mouth." She hissed. Hurt is an understatement for what she felt when she heard those words from him. "You do not have any rights to say those to me." She clenched her fist until her knuckles turned white. She held her gaze at him. "None of those were true. And even if it is, what is it to you if I sleep around? What is it to you if I drink every night until I pass out naked and wake up with different men every day? What is it to you if I let strangers kiss me without knowing their name? If I really do that, it will be my choice! Maybe if I do that I could forget." Her voice quivered. "I could forget about you. Maybe in kissing them I could forget about your kisses. Maybe I could forget everything that has happened between us. Maybe in forgetting you I could start remembering how to be myself again. I gave everything I had to you and I got to start all over again. You threw me away, Minhyuk! Like a piece of garbage!"

Minhyuk felt his whole world crumble when he saw the woman he love break down in front of him. He didn't know what to do nor what to say.

He broke her beyond repair. What she didn't know was he too was lost without her. He didn't want to end things with her. He still loves her.

But there wasn't anything that he could do.

With a heavy heart he listened to her cry in the silence of the alley.

The moon was the only witness to the things that were said and the things that was opted not to be said.

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