The Burning Feeling // Im Hyunsik

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Author: // Sara

Title: I Want...

Characters: Hyunsik and Reader

Summary: For years, we've sat beside each other. Now that we're graduating from high school, is it still possible to see you again?

Author's Note: Yes, yes... I know Ilhoon wrote The Feeling but let's just say Hyunsik co-wrote it here because I just... need it to fit the story. Hahahuhu.

"What are you doing?" I tried to peak from behind at what my seatmate was writing in his notebook. I'd always see him just scribbling on a particular notebook during break time. I've never seen him bring it out during classes so I figured that it was a special notebook.

He jolted up, his back going straight as he sat up, while he quickly shut the notebook. "N-Nothing," he stammered as he brushed his hair away. His deep voice shook with what I could only fathom as nervousness.

"Eh?" I pouted as I circled him so that I was in front of his desk. My arms were crossed in front of my chest as I eyed him. "You're hiding something, Hyunsikkie~ Is that... a love letter?!"

It was funny how his eyes, which were so small, grew wide with shock. "No!" He quickly rebutted but his cheeks were burning red.

I chuckled and shrugged. "If you say so~"

Hyunsik has been my classmate ever since middle school. Every year, there is at least one term wherein we're seatmates. At first, we'd give each other stares that clearly said, "You again?" But now, we'd end up laughing. Throughout the years, we got closer but we aren't best friends.

I've always admired Hyunsik. I liked having him as a seatmate. He was reserved and mostly quiet in class but when he spoke, his words always carried a deep meaning in them. It's like his maturity is at par with those of the old and wise. Not only that, he had a way of saying things that even with simple words, you heart would flutter.

Of course, he wasn't always quiet. With his group of friends, he'd be laughing and grinning. From afar, I would sometimes see a mischievous glint that would shine in his eyes. I'd sometimes see that when he's speaking with me. However, he was mostly tense and shy around me. At least, when it was just the two of us.

"Hyunsik, what's the music club doing for the school festival?"

He turned to me, only to see the smile I was flashing at him. The school festival was just around the corner so I've been trying to get an idea as to what others are doing. I wanted to plan how I'm spending my days at the school festival.

"Oh... We're working with the drama club because they'll be doing a musical this year,"

I made a face. "Really? I thought your club was going to do some kind of concert like last year,"

Hyunsik gave me a tight smile as he shook his head. "No. We're a little short on performers for this year. What about you? Is the cooking club doing anything?"

I shrugged. "Just the usual food stall. You'll drop by, yeah?"

He chuckled as he nodded. "Of course. You're cooking is something I always look forward to,"

My cheeks started to feel hot as I tried to fight the urge to smile. The words he said made my heart race. It was so simple but I valued it. It made me want to cook better if it meant that he'd look forward to it. However, I felt a bit sad as this would be the last festival we'll have together and we wouldn't even be spending it with each other.

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