Red Days // BTOB

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Author: @killingmebtob // Chi (with help from Sara and Nyx)

Title: Red Days

Characters: BTOB x Reader

Author's Note: First time doing this kind of request.

Summary: It's that time of the month! I wonder how BTOB will react if one of them is your boyfriend.


Pain shot through your abdomen making you crouch down while arranging the table for dinner. You let out a loud gasp as you felt another attack.

"Honey, what's wrong?" worried Eunkwang suddenly rushed to your side from the living room.

"N-nothing." You tried to say but the pain you are feeling is saying otherwise.

Another attack.

"Oh god, what's wrong?" Eunkwang's voice was trembling. "Are you hurt anywhere? Do you want me to do something? What do you need?"

"I told you this is nothing." You said as you tried your best to run to the restroom and close the door behind you.

You heard a panicked knock on the door. "Honey? Are you okay? Do you need medicine?"

"I'm fine! Go away. I'll come out in a bit." was all you managed to say.

You know he must've been pacing outside.

After a few minutes, you opened the door. The pain already stopped attacking but is still there.

The moment you opened the door, Eunkwang's worried look welcomed you.

"Are you okay?" he said as he hugged you.

"Yeah." You said weakly.

"Are you hurt anywhere?" he said as he held you at arm's length and looked all over your body.

"No, I'm not. It's just dysmenorrhea."

"Dysmewhat?" he asked if confusion. "Is that a sickness?"

You can't help but to smile at him. "Dysmenorrhea. And no, it's not a sickness. It just happens when I get my period."

"Your period? It hurts like that when you're having period?" he said, truly worried and shocked at the new discovery.

You nodded your head. "It happens every month."

"What? Every month?!" you know him and you also know that he was on the verge of crying. "My honey experiences that every month." He said as he hugs you tightly.

You shook your head as you hugged him back.


"Lie down on your stomach." Minhyuk said to you.

Grabbing the pillows, you obeyed him and rested your body.

The bed shifted as he sat beside you. Next, you felt as he placed both of his hands at the small of your back and started massaging it.

You closed your eyes as you felt the period cramps disappear.

This lasted for a few more minutes and you already felt your eyelids get heavier.

"Are you feeling okay now?" he said in a low voice.

"Yeah. Just feeling sleepy." You answered.

"Okay." He said, and you felt his hands leave your back. The bed shifted again and you looked up to see him leaning his back on the bed's headboard. "Come here." He said with his arms open, calling you.

BTOB - Soft HoursHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin