Pink Gucci Shirt // Jung Ilhoon

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Author: @killingmebtob // Chi

Title: Pink Gucci Shirt

Characters: Jung Ilhoon

Author's Note: I almost fell in love with Jung Ilhoon. ALMOST!

Summary: Living together doesn't always guarantee that all days are happy. Petty arguments happen everyday.

The sun light hitting my face woke me up. I looked at the window and saw that it is already bright outside. The whole room, although still cold, has been illuminated by the sun.

A pleasant morning.

I stirred in the bed and stretched my arms and my legs to remove the sleep from my muscles. Just as I did so, an arm snaked around my waist from behind.


I smiled and turned under his arm to face him. His eyes are still closed and his mouth is slightly open.. I love looking at his face in the morning. I love how the sunlight shows every detail of his face. I traced his features using the tip of my fingers. His beautiful eyebrows arched perfectly as it framed his eyes. His eyelashes that look so long up close. I traced his face from between his eyes to the tip of it, admiring how beautifully sculpted it is. I traced the moles on the side of his face from under his eye to his jaw. I lightly traced his lips and admired how the top of his upper lip curved to form the top of a heart and how it slightly up turned at each end.

Lastly, I touched his lower lip and felt that a touch is not enough to admire it so I planted a quick kiss on it.

At this, even with eyes still closed, Ilhoon smiled to show his perfect white teeth.

I felt his other arm move under me to meet the arm that's already hugging me. He pulled me close to him and kissed the top of my head.

"Good morning." he said sleepily. His voice still kinda hoarse.

I closed my eyes and cuddled closer to his chest to feel his warmth.

We cuddled under the blankets for a few more minutes. Just hugging each other. Not saying anything. It feels good to wake up next to him.

"We need to get up." I finally said, looking up at him.

Ilhoon groaned in protest and hugged me tighter. "Let's stay like this for a few more minutes."

I laughed. He's being such a kid again. This time, I sat up, forcing him to let me go. I reached for my phone on the bedside table on his side causing me to be positioned slightly on top of him.

I checked the time. "You're going to be late to your schedule." I said.

Instead of getting up, I felt his arms grab my waist and pull me back to the bed. I would've gotten up again but he must've read my mind as he rolled to get on top of me causing me to giggle.

He planted a quick kiss on me and smiled. "I didn't realize that you were wearing my shirt." he said.

I giggled. "Coz you were too busy removing it last night."

"Should I remove it again?" he said playfully.

"No." I said with a smile. "I need to prepare breakfast now." I slightly pushed him off me as I stood up.

Taking my scrunchie from my arm, I bundled my hair messily on top of my head, ready to do my chores.

I looked back at him and saw him lying down but eyeing me as I fix my hair.

"You look beautiful in my shirt." he said with a warm smile.

I blushed at his words. I was going to say a witty remark but my heart fluttered and no words formed in my mouth. I just shook my head as I went to the bathroom to do the morning rituals and start my day.

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