Part 38: Diagnosed With Fatal Attraction

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"After I first met you, I did a petite research. You are capable of being a doctor, are you not?" Asked the Frenchman.

"Yes, I hold many doctorates." The genius replied, unsure of where the thief was going with this.
"Let us imagine, that instead of a being a Villain, you were just an average doctor, a normal, human man."
The Frenchman waved his hand in front of him as if picturing it.

"Ok..." Toxic mumbled in agreement.
"Let's say, a young man walked into your hospital, a normal, human man also."
He continued with his game of make-belief.
"And this normal man described these exact same symptoms to you, towards one of his female coworkers. What would be your diagnosis, Doctor?" He cocked his head in question.
"Simple." Toxic answered.
"He's sexually attracted to her."

After a few one-sidedly ignorant seconds of silence passed, Informal waved his palm.
Then it hit Toxic, what the other Villain was trying to suggest, and he sat straight up in his seat, absolutely dumbstruck. It made no sense. Feeling the alcohol slosh around in his stomach. I think I am going to be sick.
He thought to himself nauseously.

"Oh no... NO, NO, NO!!!"
Toxic shook his head in denial.
"I am...She's not..." He stuttered, slurred in his speech. "That's impossible, I am NOT sexually attracted to her."
The confused teenager screeched, the very notion was absurd. The idea of Intercourse, or even kissing, had always made him nauseous; his entire life!

"It's not impossible." Informal laughed, clearly amused by the other villain’s current state of panic.
"You are man. She is woman. A very young beautiful woman. It is not impossible."
Toxic threw his bottle at the wall, watching it shatter into a bunch of little green pieces of glass.
"It is for me! She's been my enemy since I was a toddler! She's a hero, I am a villain! It's not right! It is never supposed to happen this way" He cried in disbelief.

"Ahh, but we are villains. We hardly ever do what's right." Contradicted the Shifter.
Toxic buried his face in his hands. A fear began to creep up in his mind that indeed, his accuser may be right.
"I cannot believe you didn't realize this before, surely you must have experienced this with other woman."

The Frenchman crossed his arms.
"No." He replied, eyes cast to the ground.
Informal gave Toxic an odd look.
"Not even when you reached a certain age and your physique began to change?"
He was talking about puberty.
"No. The hormones didn't have any effect on me mentally. I guess I must have suppressed them. I was busy, as usual, trying to take over the world." Toxic replied.

"How old are you?"
"19" he answered.
"So, you've never been with a woman?" Informal asked in disbelief. It was the first time anyone's ever asked him that question.
"No." He replied, pulling of a glove to expose a hand glowing with deadly radiation.
Much too Toxic's surprise, Informal didn't flinch.

"My touch is deadly to them, remember?" hence the name, you moron. He chided internally the cops were getting back into their vehicles and starting to pull away.
"Not to every woman." The dark haired, green-eyed, vastly more experienced older villain grinned perversely.

Toxic rolled his eyes, pulling his glove back on, and then tried to stand. He made it to his feet this time, but when he tried to take a step forward, he nearly toppled out of the hole in front of them.
"Easy there Mon ami." Informal jumped to his feet and grabbed Toxic's arm, steadying him.
The deadly teen took a double take. Nobody ever touched him, besides Galaxy Girl or Mastermind, even with the radiation proof protective clothing on. Informal wasn't afraid.

"For someone so tall, you are quite a lightweight." He laughed, wrapping a supportive arm around his companion’s back and then begun to guide him down the stairs.
"You're not afraid of me?" Toxic slurred in disbelief. Hell I'm drunk.
The other Villain shook his head.
"You trusted me, my friend. Now it's my turn to return the favor."

He helped him back to his 'borrowed' Rolls Royce. "Very nice." He commented on the burgundy classic car, and the French man insisted on driving Toxic back to the hotel. Toxic kept dozing off on the way there. Informal dropped him off at the employee entrance at the back, and as soon as the empath had climbed out, he sped off; stealing the stolen car.

That didn't make Toxic mad, it's just made him laugh. Was he to expect less from a master thief? It only made him dread explaining the missing automobile to Galaxy Girl in the morning. As if on autopilot, he snuck his way back into the room, creeping in quietly, so as not to wake the beautiful girl in the bed on the other side of the room.


Stay tuned for another update guys. :)

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