Chapter 42

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I couldn't believe my eyes! "Zayn! Is mommy gonna be okay?" Maya was crying. "Yes, Princess. I promise you she will be. I kneeled down panicking. Think! Think! What do I do first? Call 911. I reached for my phone and started to tap the phone icon but my fingers were shaking.

"Ughhh! Damnit!" I scream. Maya begins to cry a little louder. "Don't worry Maya. I promise mommy will be okay." I try to calm her and myself. I let out a deep breath and type in the digits then press call. "Hello. This is 911. What's your emergency?"

"My-eh-wife is passed out in the kitchen and I don't know what do?"

Don't even ask, it was just the first word the popped into my head. "I am sending an ambulance to your place right now, sir." The lady at the other end of the line says.

"Check her breathing and pulse, Sir."

I did as she informed me and checked it. "She is barely breathing and her pulse is weak." I was panicking and I didn't want Maya to see this.

I grab Mariam in my lap and rock her. "You can't bail on Maya, okay!" I shout at her unconscious body. "She needs you! I need you." I mumbled the last part.

"Sir? Are you still there?" Shit! I forgot that I am still on the phone. "Y-Yes. Her breathing is getting weaker." I mumble. "The ambulance is on it's way, sir."

As I was analyzing Mariam's face I realized how badly she was sweating. This is definitely not good. "She is sweating a lot, like really really a lot." I notify the lady. "This is not good." She says in a concerned tone.

"Maya! I need you to go wake up the lads." I order and she nods. Maya pushes her little self off of the counter and runs out of the kitchen. "Just hold on." I whisper to Mariam.


'This is not happening. This is not happening. This in not happening.' I'll repeat this to myself a hundred times if I have to. Mariam is in the emergency room right now and I do really believe that this hospital needs a better ventilation system because I can't fucking breathe.

The lads are at home with Maya. I told them I don't feel comfortable having Maya see her mother like this. And I need to know that Mariam is fine then I'll ask the lads to bring Maya here.

I fall onto the plastic chair next to me and stare deeply at my lap. I kept bouncing my legs up and down. The wait is killing me. I stood up again. I blow out some excess air I find in my lungs. "What's taking them so long?" I maffle to my worried persona, in hope that would calm me a little.

After what seemed like decades, the doctor appeared. He looked in his late forties. He had blond hair and hazel brown eyes.

I rush over to his direction. "Hello-Mr Malik?" He says trying to make sure he got the name right. "Yes, that me."

"I am Dr.Willson but please call me Kevin." He extends his hand for me to shake and I do so.

"And I believe my patient's name is Mariam Malik, as in your wife is that right?" I nod.

He lets out a breath the starts speaking. "Sir, have you been having any problems with your wife?"

"What do you mean?" I take that question offensively. "Like have you been having any usual husband and wife fights? Has she been having any problems at work? With the kids? If you have any?"

"No-I don't think so." I wasn't really sure what he meant. "Is it no or you don't think so, sir?" He is really starting to get on my nerves.

"I am not really sure but can you tell me what's wrong with my wife?" I clench my jaw in order to release stress. "Well, sir your wife is dealing with a lot of stress that it harmed her physically."

'I-I did this, didn't I?'

"We made a whole body check up and we found nothing serious but yet she was showing a lot of stress symptoms such as sweating, high blood pressure, heart palpitations and a few others."

I can't speak. I genuinely feel like my tongue is tied. No words are coming out. "So apparently, her high blood pressure caused the dizziness and this caused her to black out." He informs me. "I know you might think stress isn't that much of a problem but it is. You said that your wife fell unconscious in kitchen and thank god nothing serious happened this time but what if she hit her head on kitchen counter or a table, or even left the stove on." I nod. What he didn't know was that I was too shocked to form representable words.

"I understand that really well." He nods one last time before starting to walk away but then he stops mid way. "And sir, one last question."

"Is your wife on any kind of medication?" What kind of question is that? Does he suspect Mariam is doing drugs?

"Not that I know of."

"Well via a blood test we made, we found out that your wife might have been taking a little doze of heroine." He must be fucking kidding.

"I am pretty sure I must report this to the police." My eyes widen at his statement. "But since you seem like a nice man I can make you an offer. You could ask your wife why was she doing it and ask her for her dealer and then we'll report him to the police instead of her." He smirks. "My wife isn't on anything! It's not my problem that you can't do your fucking job!" This was the last straw so I just exploded.

"I am really sorry, sir but the police will believe the one who has the actual blood test and not the guy who doesn't even know if his wife is dealing with stress." My blood was boiling and I was retaining myself from killing him so bad.

"So shall I make that call now or wait?" He says again in his calm mother fucking voice. "Wait. I'll take your stupid offer." I bite on my teeth so hard I think they will break.

"Dr.Willson! She is awake!" A nurse rushes in. I give him a dirty look then enter her room. She was lying so helplessly on her white hospital bed. 'I did this to her' This thought hit me as soon as I saw her. She seemed surprised by my presence.

Mariam's POV:

I was feeling so lightheaded. I saw a male's silhouette make his was into the room. After I gained some consciousness I made out he was Zayn! What is he doing here?

"Z-Zayn?" I call, not believing my eyes. "I am so sorry." He mumbles moving closer to me. "I did this to you." He cries. He was genuinely crying. "I never meant to hurt you. Mariam, I love you so much. I tried to hate you and I tried to hurt your feelings but I ended up getting hurt even more." He was crying his eyes out. I was shocked! "Z-Zayn, I am fine now." I try to calm him down.

"No, you're not and I did this. Mariam after I fell in love with you I swore myself I would never hurt you again but I broke my own promise and I hurt you. I was blinded by my stupidity and selfishness. I hated that you had Maya and she loved you so much and I envied that." I have never seen Zayn so honest before.

"You should see the way she looks at you, the way she laughs when you touch her. I am so sorry I ever tried to come in between you." He was full on sobbing. "Zayn, it's okay, I swear."

"Stop saying it is because it's not!" He shouts. "You could have hit your head! You could have died today because of me!" He screams.

I don't answer anymore. I now know that my replies are meaningless. They won't ever give him the comfort he needs. Zayn falls to his knees. "I am the source of misery in your life. And I wanted to take Maya from you-"

"But you didn't! You stopped before things got out of hand! Now, pull yourself together and come fucking kiss me or I will make you come here myself!" I shout. He looked at me with a teary smile that made me cry.

"I hate you; you're making me cry, Malik." He comes closer and kisses me. "I love you too." He mumbles in between our kissing. Then he stops, "Mariam." Zayn calls which really freaks me out.

"Something wrong?" I tilt my head a little. "Did-did you do anything illegal?" I can't believe the words coming out his mouth. "Like what?"

"Did you take unauthorized drugs?"

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