Chapter 29

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I woke up next to Zayn but a petit body was between us, Maya was curled up around Zayn. She looked so cute and Zayn was hugging her back, I really wish this was my family. I really wish I could tell Zayn all the truth. "If only you knew." I mumbled between my breath.

I walked to my bathroom and did my daily routine.

While I was brushing my teeth, "Mummy.." I heard Maya whine. "Yes, princess?" I replied, spiting the tooth paste in the white sink. "I don't feel well." She said holding her stomach. "What's wrong, princess?" I asked worriedly. "My tummy." She says pointing to it.

"Are you hungry, babygirl?" She shook her head no. "Okay, how about you hop in bed?" I said and Maya nodded slowly. "Hey, Zayn." I shook him, softly and he opened his breathtaking caramel eyes.

"Yes?" He answered in a deep morning voice. "Good morning, I'm sorry; I woke you up from your beauty sleep but you have to get up." I rolled my eyes.

"Two more minutes." He whined and turned around to face the wall. "Zayn! Get up now what if someone comes in?" I whisper/yelled. "Fine! Fine!" He said annoyed as he got up. "God, What time is it?" He yawns.

"8 AM." I reply. "What?" Zayn screams. I rolled my eyes.

"Mummy!" Maya whimpers, pulling my sweats. "Yes, babygirl?" I place a hand on her forehead. I'll see if she has a high temperature. "My tummy hurts more now." she said as little tears flowed down her face. Her forehead was normal.

"Babygirl, don't cry please." I hugged her. "Wanna go with mummy to make breakfast?" I said to her and she nodded trying to smile but couldn't, it broke my heart into thousands pieces.

"Come on." I said as I picked her up, placing her on my hip and walked down stairs. On my way down, I saw Louis. "Good morning!" Louis said "Morning!" I replied. "Wasn't taking to you; I was talking to Maya!" He stuck out his tongue at me.

"My tummy hurts." She sniffs her pink nose. "What's wrong?" He asked looking over to me, in a more serious tone now. "I don't know this never happened before." I told him. "Need any help?" Louis offered, "No, thanks." I shook my head and walked down to the kitchen, I placed Maya on the counter.

I started making pancakes for all of us and I placed them on the dinning table, "Boys! Breakfast is ready!" I yelled. "C'mon, princess let's go and eat." I said as I sat down on the table with Maya on my lap and then Zayn walked in with a huge smirk oh his face and then the boys entered and started digging in the freshly made pancakes.

After we were all finished, I was cleaned dinning table with Maya still on my hip and Harry helped me. "So how is your tummy, grumpy?" I asked. "Better but still hurts a wittw." Maya mumbled. "Don't worry princess." I said and she smiled. "Hopefully, it will go away." I reassure her.

I was in my room reading a novel, I was in a grey sweatpants and a golden yellow tank top. I was also wearing my cat eye brown glasses. I actually need them but I wear lenses instead. And my hair was made into a high messy bun; I looked like a total nerd, or geek as Louis prefers to say.

Maya stopped whining about her stomach and now, she is playing on the Xbox with Niall. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door, "Come in!" I yell.

Then Zayn's head pops in, "Hi!" He grinned. "Hey!" I reply not lifting my eyes from my novel. "I have never seen you with glasses before." He analyzed me "You look strange." He concluded.

"You mean ugly strange?" I asked worrildy "Beautiful strange." He said. I was surprised by what he said and also speechless, "T-thank you-u." I stuttered. "You're welcome, my nerdish babe." He smashed his lips to mine and his tongue was down my throat. I kissed him back. I guess I have a little thing for Zayn, or actually a big thing for Zayn. I moved my hands in his hair. "I love you." I mumbled it got out by mistake.

'God! Why did I have to ruin the moment?!' I can feel my cheeks burning from the embarrassment.

"I love you too." He said as he started kissing my neck softly while leaving a love bite every time he could.

'I really hope that doesn't leave a bruise.'

"Hey, we better stop before anyone sees us." I kiss Zayn one last time. "Okay." He kissed me once more and put on his shirt back on, sadly. I put on mine as well.

"You know what?"

"What?" I ask.

"Us breaking up was the worst thing that happened ever to me." Zayn says sincerely.

"Y-yeah." I said in a low voice

"Mariam? Is Zayn here with you?" Liam called entering. "Yes." I answered. "Also Liam have you ever heard of knocking?" I sassed.

"What is Zayn doing here anyway?" He asked looking at him. "Zayn was borrowing a book." I lied. "I was?" Zayn asks. I step on his foot, "I was-Yes, I was." He covers up. "Okay.." Liam says in an awkward tone. "Anyways, Zayn it's football night! Aren't you coming?" Liam said obliviously. "Shit! I totally forgot, mate." Zayn palmed his face. "Zayn, you never forget football night!" Liam said over dramatically. I rolled my eyes at him.

"Let's go!" Liam shouted and headed both Zayn and Liam out of my room. We walked down and Niall was sleeping on the couch with Maya on him "Awe!" We all chorused.

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