Chapter 38

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"Mummy!" Maya starts to cry. "Princess please don't cry! Everything is going to be okay! Don't worry!"

"Don't tell her that. You wouldn't want lie to your daughter, would you?"

He tried to punch me but I ducked. "You thought you could get rid of me so easily?" He smirked.

I threw a punch directed to his nose, which of course he dodged. "Nice one."

But before I knew it he pushed me against the wall. "Maybe you're not that weak after all." He grins.

I squirm around trying to get out of his awfully tight grip. "Let go of me!" I yell trying to push him off of me.

"Mummy? Where are you?" Maya calls. "Mummy is busy right now."

"Indeed she is, Maya. So I suggest you go back to sleep because there is no escaping tonight."

I took this chance and kicked him where the sun doesn't shine. "Ahh! You bitch!" He yells curling up on the floor. Then a key chain fell out of his right pocket. This must be it! I grabbed it and started inserting key by key to the door, until one clicked. I opened the door and Maya came running to me, hugging my legs. "Mummy." She mumbles.

"Baby girl, I need you to run as fast you can! Okay and when you get out of here tell anyone to take you the police station." I whisper.

She nodded, "But Mummy won't come with me?"

"I don't think so."

Justin started to get up, "Run Maya! Run!" I scream as she runs far away.

I block Justin from trying to get her which makes him angry. "Ahh!" He let out a loud scream of frustration. He starts kicking me when he realizes he'll never catch up with Maya. He kicks me, and punches me so hard that I couldn't keep standing.

"You thought you could run away from me?!" He screams. "I'll show you!"

He grabs my bicep and throws my whole body against the cold wall. He kicks my legs too many times that I cannot catch my breath. Slowly, everything fades in a darker shade until pitch black darkness was the only thing I could see.

Maya's POV:

I was lost! I didn't know where to go! I did get out of this filthy place I was in but I don't know how to go to the police station. It was night so no one was around but weird looking people that scared me.

Some guys kept staring at me to I started to skip. The footsteps behind me started to fasten as well. I started to run as fast as my legs could but little did I know there was someone standing in front of me. "Ouch!" I say as I fell.
"Are you lost?" He asks.

This might be a trick question, cause if I say no then he might ask me where is my mum and if I say yes he will kidnap me!

"I-I-" I couldn't form words.

Then the guy I was running from caught up to me! I jumped. "Is he bothering you?" He asks me, I nodded unsure.

"Dude, She is my little sister and she ran away. I'm trying to take her back home." The one running after me says, or lies.

"Is that true?" I shake my head. "C'mon sissy, don't be a little bitch-"

"She said she is not the one your looking for please get back." The one next to me says.

The other guy moves towards me, but the one I'm standing next to, pulls me behind him. "Leave! Now!" He shouts.

The other guy runs the in opposite direction. But this guy turns and kneels down to me. "Are you lost?" He repeats. I nodded unsure.

"Can you please take me to the police station?" I do as mommy told me to. He smiles then nods, "Sure-" He stops for me to tell him my name. I don't know if I should or not but he helped me so could be like returning a favor.


"Maya, hmm." He repeats, saying it as if he is tasting the magic in the word.

"What a beautiful name!" He replied a little bit late. "Thank you-" I do the same.

"Oh! I'm Robin." He says laughing.

Mariam's POV:

I woke up in the freezing floor. I couldn't move; every part of me hurt! I wanted to get up and figure my way out this hell but every movement hurt like I've been hit by a train.

I try my best to get up, wincing with each movement. The room was dark, dusty and reeked terribly but there was no Justin in here. At first I couldn't see a thing but slowly my eyes adjusted to the darkness.

I crawl forwards, not knowing where I was heading. My left bicep hurt awfully, it must be broken so I shift my weight to my right arm.

I crawl and crawl until a door a appears. I'm pretty sure it's locked but let's try to open it anyway. Very quietly, I twist the door knob and it opens.

'What the hell-Justin must be either really dumb or he is planning something terrible.'

I get up onto my feet, in case I need to run or fight.

I wander through these identical hallways again. Justin was nowhere to be found.

'Something is vastly wrong.' I walk towards some pitch black rooms, peaking inside them, looking for Justin or Mark but there was no trace to the both of them. I started to skip a little bit faster; the more I'm here the more I freaked out I get.

I stopped as soon as I saw a dead end! 'Wtf?!'

There was nothing but olive colored, dirty wall. I ran the opposite way running into the same rooms. After I got to the very last other end I found the same thing, a wall blocking my way out!

'What am I gonna do?' I fall to my knees crying. "I can't get out of this stupid place!" I cry out loud. "I don't even know if I'm in a basement or I'm on ground level." I cry hysterically.

Maybe I should start looking for a map, a phone, anything, that could help me. I headed to the room I was first in.

It was just as I felt it cold, dark and dirty. I started looking around for props. When suddenly a piece of a cut wallpaper in the floor.

This is wallpaper! It must be covering a window or something. I pulled the already half fallen off green wallpaper. Uncovering wall by wall until I got the last wall out of four.

"Please god! please help get out of here." I pray with the last ounce of hope inside me.

I remove the wallpaper, half way through finishing the wall a door appears only one problem it had no knob! How could I possibly open it.

Then I removed my T-shirt and got out a metal stick from my bra. I inserted it inside the door and pushed it and then I pulled the door my way. 'Oh my god! I can't believe what I'm seeing in front of me!'

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