Chapter 15

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My eyes fluttered open, just to meet Zayn's caramel ones. "Good Morning, babe." He says in his sexy British accent. "Morning." I peeked his lips quickly. "Finally, the weekend." I scream into the void and Zayn laughs. "What do you wanna do today?" He asks me jumping out of bed. "I wanna go out; I'm not gonna sit in any more beds!" I pout like 5 year old. "What? No!" Zayn boomed. "You got out of the hospital yesterday. I was only asking you, 'What do you wanna do?' As in like do wanna go downstairs, and watch a Movie, or something like that?" Zayn explained to me. "I wanna get out of the house." I frown.



"Yes, of course."

"Where will go?" I ask jumping

"We could go to your house-"

"No Malik! I wanna go somewhere, not a house." I shout angrily.

"These are only places we could go to because you still need to rest." He told me.

"Fine!" I stick my tongue at him, he smirks at me. "Go get dressed; I have an idea." He orders me, I nod and obey him. "Get out." I say. "No need, I'm staring to get used to it." He grins. "Get out, you pervert." I yell. He glances at me one last time then walked out.

I stripped all my clothes, and put on my skinny white jeans and my black top. I could have worm my crop top but I have hideous scars and bruises. I slip on my black vans. Then I walked over to the mirror, but what I saw no make up could fix. I had a black eye, my lower lip was cut, my left cheek was purple and my neck was all blue and black. I grabbed my make up and started trying to hide all these ugly bruises.

'How could Zayn live with someone as ugly as me?'

'How could he kiss me, hug me and tell me that I'm beautiful?'

A tear rolled down my cheek at the horrible memories. While I was still analyzing my pale face, the door opened. Zayn rushed in he was wearing a black shirt, blue ripped jeans and a huge puff olive jacket, but he had one shoe on.

"Mariam, have you seen where is my other shoe?" He asked me.

I turned to him and his face turned white. "Are you okay? Is something hurting you?" He asked with worry lacing his voice. "No. I-I just want to know why did you lie to me?" I murmured, before he could speak, I continue, "How could tell me that I'm beautiful, while I'm not?"

Another tear rolled down. He raced towards me and pressed me into his chest. "I never lied, I don't think you're beautiful. I know you're gorgeous. I can see beneath all these beautiful scars," Zayn kissed a huge scar which was on my hand. "I can see a strong girl, who has been through a lot but yet, she is still holding on, she is still smiling and she is giving everything she can." Zayn mumbles into my hair. I grab to him tighter as a teary smile was placed on my face.

Suddenly, my legs weren't on the floor anymore. Zayn was carrying me, then he threw me on the bed. He pulled up my shirt only to show more bruises and wounds. He smiled at me, "As I told you, I can only see beneath all these beautiful scars." Zayn mumbled as he kissed my stomach, softly.

And soon enough, he lifted my shirt even more, it showed more cuts and bruises. Zayn pushed my shirt further and over my head. I was only in my purple bra. He kissed me passionately. "I love every single inch of you." Zayn gazed into my eyes. I felt butterflies in my stomach. "I love you, Zayn." I take a small break from kissing him and then we continue. Our kissing soon turned into a making out session, as always. "Zayn, I really hate to break up this, but if we don't get dressed now, I won't be able to see your idea." I tell him. "That's okay, I like the dark, maybe we could make out little." He whispered. "Haha." I laugh sarcastically.

"Sorry, babe I gotta go finish your surprise." He apologizes with a kiss then gets up and walks towards the door. "Wait here! And don't get out until I tell you!" He points his index finger at me. "Okay, whatever." I pout. "Aww... You look cute when you act like a kid." He mocked peeking my cheek then he ran out of the room. I put my shirt back on.

'What is he gonna do?' I wonder, curiously.

*45 minutes later*

Curiosity was literally killing me. I tried to play on my phone; to distract myself, but it didn't help. "ZAYN, WHERE ARE YOU?" I yell at the top of my lungs. "I'm coming!" I yell but as soon as I opened the door. He was standing there, "No! Not Now, get in!" He ordered pushing me inside the room and closing the door. "I hate you." I say loud enough for him to hear. "I love you too, babe." He said trying to annoy me. I rolled my eyes at his comment, even though he can't see me.

*more couple minutes later*

"Malik! If you don't open the fucking door, I'll jump out the window!" I scream. The door suddenly opened, "Don't!" He paused. "Do that!" He finished. "I need to get out of here!" I tell him. "Just give to more seconds." He pleaded with his puppy eyes, which I couldn't resist. "Okay, but hurry up!" I tell him, he nods and rushes out of the room again.

And before I could sit on the bed, Zayn called me, "Mariam! I'm done. Please come to the roof."

"Coming!" I say running.

I raced up the stairs, and what I saw mad me speechless. "Wow!" was all I could say.

"What do you think?" Zayn smiles swung his arm around my waist. "It's amazing!" I say admiring the view.

There was a picnic basket, under it was a sheet, where we could sit. On the other side of the roof, there was a small stereo and two sleeping bags. Other than that, the place was filled with red roses and white daises. I turned around to face Zayn. But before I could thank him, his lips caught mine. I kissed back. But he pulled away, and smirked. "Let's leave the best for the end." He whispers in my ear. "What a shame." I smirk. "I had a lot planned." I say and Zayn opens his mouth. "I just wish you could keep your pants on." Zayn stares at me, shocked. I smirk.


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