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"so i'm sitting here, barbecue sauce on my tiddies.."

"seriously, yuqi, do you have to joke right now?" ki-young mumbled, glancing over at her friend with an unamused look.

"hey, i'm just trying to lighten up the mood!" yuqi defended herself, "i wouldn't have to if someone didn't delete like a whole scene for our video because someone touched her stupid collection of voodoo dolls." yuqi glared at misaki who was twirling her cigarette her small, pale hands,

others in the room, the 'office', simply nodded at that. it took them at least an hour to stop misaki from throwing random things at everyone. junhee got hit in the head with his own phone.

that resulted in another hour of things getting thrown.

"well, that's in the past," atlas sighed, placing his box of strawberry milk on the coffee table, "hopefully never to happen again." he teased, and received a glare from junhee and miskai.

ki-young rolled her eyes and went back to looking through clips on the camera they used to film their vlogs. she caught a glimpse of a video of junhee with a bright smile on his face, which was very rare. she bit down on her lip from releasing a grin.

out of nowhere, sookyo squealed in excitement, "guys, our last vlog hit 10k views!" she jumped up and down, yuqi joined in, then led to chunghi joining in on the circle of bouncing.

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