69. You're So Lovely. Lovely, Lovely, Lovely

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So in this scenario, you do not like Hoseok. At all. You think he's a twat. 

Why? Because he keeps freaking cock blocking you every time you try to make your move on Jimin! It's getting old and you're ready to throw him around by his nostrils and slam him to the ground.

Little backstory: You've liked Chimmers for a while now and you think he might actually like you too. He's always super sweet to you and blushes whenever you smile at him. Yet any time you try to get him alone, lo and behold, that thirsty little pecker Hoseok will come strolling in like he owns the joint and steal your man right out from under you. So not daebak, Hoseok. Not in the least.

Anywhore, you were planning on hanging out at the mall one day, so you all shoved your narrow asses into one van and headed out. On the ride over, you actually got to sit next to Jimin, crammed up so close together you were practically on top of him. The two of you had a wonderful conversation about lipgloss and its effects on the environment. idk... The whole time you could practically feel Hoseok stewing from the backseat. 

When you all got to the mall, you hopped out and were surprised to find that Jimin wanted to hold your hand! You were so happy you could have thrown up and/or peed your pants!! 

That is until freaking Hoseok, that turd, snatched Jimin away and literally zipped him up in his jacket just to keep him away from you.

That is until freaking Hoseok, that turd, snatched Jimin away and literally zipped him up in his jacket just to keep him away from you

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