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"Please tell me you didn't get that on camera," I groaned at Scarlett. 

"I did," she smiles cheekily at me. Before I can even tell her to delete it, the boys called us over to get into the car so we can get going. I groaned once again and went inside the car only to have me seated next to Zachary. Fate really is a bitch at the moment.

To be honest, the car ride was awkward. Everyone else was talking as Zachary and I stayed quiet and I tried everything in me to not bump into him when the car would turn or accidentally swerve. Stupid Oliver. You're doing this shit on purpose.

My phone buzzed in my hand to see a text message from Jacob:

Piece of Shit: Where the hell are you?

Me: I'm on my fucking way. I'm walking my ass there since I don't have a ride

Piece of Shit: Whatever. You better save a dance for me

I ignore his text and shut my phone off, turning it the other way. 

"That's an odd name for a guy you love," Zachary said. I turn my head at him and scoff. "So?"

"So you don't give someone you love a name like that," he smirked. 

"Doesn't concern you," I said, turning to face the front. He doesn't say anything after and stays silent throughout the car ride there. When we finally reach the school's parking lot, I quickly hop out and run towards the entrance.

"Wait, where you goin', D?" Noah calls out after me. 

"I have to meet Jacob or he'll kill me. I'll see you later," I said, picking up my pace. Once I finally reach the gyms door, I walk in and smooth down my dress. I take a deep breath before exhaling slowly, taking a look around the gym. Hm, they did a pretty good job.

"I see you've made it," Britney's annoying voice said behind me. "I thought Derek wouldn't let you come but I thought wrong."

"Fuck off," I snapped as I walked away. I walk over to the bowl of punch and pour myself a drink. I sniff it first and sigh. Of course they would spike this shit. Oh well, I need to loosen up. I took a long sip before I placed it down and walked over to the dance floor.

I started to move my hips along to the beat, closing my eyes and letting the song drown me in. I moved my hands along my stomach and down my sides as I let the music take over my body. I haven't danced in awhile and it felt so good to just let myself loose. I need to enjoy this while I can.

I felt a pair of hands on my waist and I quickly snap my eyes open. 

"It's okay, it's me," he said, his grip tightening. I relaxed in his arms and swayed my hips, feeling his front move along my backside. He spun me around so I was facing him.

"Zach," I said but he shushed me. 

"Let's just dance. No talking." I nod my head obediently and danced with him, wrapping my arms around his neck as he wrapped his arms around my waist. He pulled me close to him as we swayed to the song. At this point, all I felt and could see was just us. Nobody else but the two of us.

As we swayed to the song, I never looked away from him. I stared into his eyes to see something I haven't seen in awhile. It held so much meaning to it like love, care and adoration. At this moment, I knew I wanted more than this. I wanted to tell him I loved him, I wanted to let him know that I've always loved him and him only.

As I was so busy thinking and staring off, I didn't notice him leaning down. When I had tilted my head up to look at him, his face was so close that if he would just move his head a little, our lips would touch.

I thought I'd never say this but I wanted him to kiss me again. I wanted to feel his lips against mine. I craved for it but I was too scared to tell him. I guess he knew because the next thing I knew, he had crashed his lips onto mine.

He tasted sweet and minty, just like the chocolate mint candy he would always eat. Just like I remembered. His lips were soft as I remembered before but this kiss said everything: longing, lust, love.

We pulled away breathlessly, staring into each other's eyes as he placed his forehead against mine. "I'm sorry I got mad at you," he whispered sadly. "I missed you so much and it killed me when you said you were in love with Jacob."

"It's okay," I said. "I understand why you would be mad and I don't blame you. I'd be pissed as shit if you said you loved Britney."

"Ugh. I can't stand her. Never in my life would I ever say that. I'd rather kill myself than say anything like that," he shuddered, a frown forming on his face. I laugh and peck his lips. "I'm gonna go to the bathroom. I'll see you in a little." 

He nods and smacks my ass before I walk away.

I walk into the bathroom, kicking every stall open before I walk over to the sink, staring at my reflection in the mirror. I actually look happy for once. Maybe that's what having my friends back causes me to feel like.

After fixing my hair, giving myself a pep talk and washing my hands, I walk out of the bathroom and towards the table where everyone was supposed to be. What the hell? Where the hell is everyone? I look around the gym, trying to see if I can spot my friends from anywhere. No luck.

Where the hell did they go?

I lift my phone to my face to see a text message from Jacob:

Piece of Shit: Come to this place. Anderson Drive 4327. Change of plans

Me: K

I roll my eyes at his text but nonetheless make my way to the entrance of the gym. Typical Jacob to always ruin the party when a drug delivery needs to be shipped in. I'll just text the group that I had to leave early. No biggie.

"Davina, wait," I heard someone shout. I turn around to be met with the redhead Keith. 

"What's up?" I asked. 

"It's your friends," he said breathlessly. 

"My friends?" I asked confused, brows furrowing. 

"Yes," he said. I cross my arms and wait for him to speak but the words coming out of his mouth was what caused a bad feeling to form in my stomach and for me to want to hurl.

"They left with Britney and never came back."


The suspense. Ahhhh, I love it.

🍯Honey Love🍯

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