~Treinta y cinco~

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I was bored at home today. I had nothing to do, my friends were all busy and Draco was at Harry's house. So I was completely alone until I heard a car park in front. I quickly looked out my bedroom window and saw my mothers car parked in our driveway. I stared at her and saw tears forming I her eyes. Where was dad? He was always with her when they would come back for a few days.

I saw mom get out the car and I shuffled out my room quickly. I went downstairs and saw her walk in. She broke down into tears right in front of me and I didn't know what to do. We didn't have a good relationship, I didn't know how to comfort her. So I just went up next to her and pat her shoulder. She cried harder and I shrugged getting a glass of water.

"What happened Mother?" I asked pouting the water in the glass cup.

"Y-your fath—Father and I got a—a divorce." She squeaked out and I almost dropped my glass of water.

"When did this happen?" I asked glancing at her as she wiped away her tears.

"A few weeks ago. Everything is settled. You both are staying with me."

"Yay" I said unamused. She looked at me and gave me a look that I've never gotten from her.

"Juliana Grace Malfoy, I am so, so so so sorry. I'm so sorry for being a horrible mum I promise that I'm going to do better." She says confidently. I smile and nod hoping what she ways saying was true. I didn't really care my parents got a divorce. I didn't really know neither of them well so it didn't really affect me. Plus they were both always gone so loosing one of them wouldn't really be any different. 

"Where'd you brother?" Mum asked me and I bit into an apple. Us Malfoys had an unexplainable obsession with green apples.

"He's with Harry" I answered going back to my phone. Riley has just texted me.

"Harry? Harry who?" My mother asked

"Harry Potter of course" I said taking another bite at my Apple.

My mother stayed quite and I looked up from my phone.

"Am I missing something?" I asked looking around and my mother shook her head.

"Sorry, I just don't know who you're talking about."

"Oh. Well...then Draco hasn't old you yet." I said taking another bite of my delicious green beauty in front of me.

"Hasn't told me what?" She asked

Then the doors jiggled and in came Draco carrying Harry in his arms, the smaller males head in the crook of Draco neck and his small legs wrapped around my northern waist.

"Hasn't told you that." I answered.


"So let me get this straight..." Narcissa said quietly looking at her two children, Harry had been laid down on one of the sofas asleep.

"Draco...you're gay, and Harry's your boyfriend...and Juliana you're bisexual and you have a girlfriend named Riley" Narcissa said putting her head in her hands.

"I'm such a terrible mom. I wasn't here for neither of you when you needed me. Draco you're practically an adult and moving out soon and Julían you're already a teenager. I've missed out on so much. I'm so sorry" the older lady apologized. Then shuffling was heard and Harry sat up on the Sofa rubbing his eyes with tiny fist.

The three blondes awed at the cute sight.

"Dray...?" He whispered loud enough for the to hear.

"I'm right here Love"

"Take me to your room" the smaller boy mumbled and Draco nodded carrying Harry upstairs and both females turned to look at eachother.

" I really did miss a lot didn't I?" Narcissa asked and Juliana nodded.

"He really loves him you know...like seriously. I'm starting to think that Harry's going to my brother in law in a couple of years." Julían whispered and Narcissa's eyes widened.

"I want here to see my teenage boy fall in love! I'm so horrible!" The lady exclaimed. Juliana nodded not disagreeing.


"Hey Bubba?"


"I love you"

"I love you too Harry, now go to sleep"


Draco's phone started ringing and so Narcissa picked it up and saw the name

"Lily" on it.

"Who's Lily?" She asked.

"Oh! Hand it over" Juliana insisted. The older women gave her younger daughter the phone and she answered.

"Hi Lily!"

"Yes your son is here"

"Uh...I don't know actually Draco didn't mention why they came here they were -at your house all morning ma'am"

"Okay I'll tell them, By love you too take care!"

"Who was that?" Narcissa asked

"That was Harry's mother—"

"Draco has his boyfriends moms phone number?" The older lady asked and Juliana nodded.


"I'm feeling weird." Harry said looking up at Draco.

"Whats the matter?" The blonde asked

"I dunno...just, I feel off."

"Do you want to go home?" He asked and Harry nodded.

"Mum Im taking Harry home!" The blonde yelled and put Harry in the car and went to Harry's house.

He didn't want to say anything but Draco was honestly happy his mother had come back home. He could actually spend time with her now.

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