Chapter 2

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“Louis its been 2 years of us hating each other- ”

He cut me off “I never hated you” he said loudly

“Oh yeah okay! You could have fooled me” I snapped back. “You never talk to me. You never come home. You only come home when mom begs you to. And even when you do come home you’re miserable.”

“Do you blame me? Do you know how many times I wanted to talk to you but you wouldn’t listen?” He was now standing up. “I’m sorry that I couldn’t make that decision that you were forcing me to make. I’m sorry I’m not perfect Leah!” he yelled

Looking at my feet I quietly replied “You know I’m not perfect Louis”

I started biting my lip and playing with my curls, something I always did when people made me nervous or upset. Louis looked at me and noticed. He was taking deep breaths, his routine to calm down when he was upset.

“Mom knows you’re here right?” he finally said


“Where is-”

I already knew what he was gonna asked. “With Him” I didn’t say his name, I knew it would only make me more upset than I already was.

“Okay well you can take the guest room because you obviously aren’t driving home tonight, its to late. Anyway, its next to mine, down the hall and on the left” he said while turning around and heading towards the room

“I left some of my bags in the car. I’ll be right back”

When I was walking towards to door he stopped me. “No, I’ll get them for you”

I handed him the keys and he was out the door.

I took the one bag I had brought with me and took it into the guest room. It was nice, not something that I would expect. The walls were a light green and the bedding was a tan and chocolate brown pattern. There were a few dressers and a nice size TV. Off to the side I noticed a bathroom. I took my bag that I had brought in and took out my contact case. While I was taking my contacts out I heard the door open again. I put on my glasses and walked back into the room.

I heard the footsteps coming down the hall so I walked out of the room “Louis I really think” I started to say but stopped when I saw him. Harry.

He looked up at me a little startled and his eyes wide. “Sorry Harry, I thought you were my brother”

“It’s fine Leah, right?”

“Yeah” I was kind of surprised that he remembered. I had only met the boy once, at one of the x-factor shows.

Louis walked in carrying my other two bags. “You were never one to pack light Lee” he said loudly walking towards the bedrooms. “Oh Hazza, I see you meet my sister Leah. She’s staying here tonight and possibly tomorrow. I figured that was alright mate?”

“No problem, as long as she doesn’t mind that I walk around naked sometimes. But ill try to refrain myself while you’re here.” He joked “I’m actually just stopping in to change and then I’m going out tonight, I probably wont be back till tomorrow” He said with a wink.

“Okay I won’t wait up. Aw my little Harry is growing up so fast” Louis joked touching his heart, causing Harry and I to laugh.

When Harry left I had changed into my sweatpants and old school t-shirt. I could hear the TV blaring trough the flat, Louis always had it on too loud.

I walked out of my room and down the hallway into the Living room.

“You want dinner or something?” Louis asked

I nodded my head and followed him into the kitchen.

We decided to heat up some leftovers that he had in the fridge. Sitting at the table, I was I tried not to say anything. I wanted to talk to him more and try to work out our problems more but I knew I was pushing him. I had already showed up unexpectedly, invited myself in, and got into an argument with him. I couldn’t pile more on him tonight than I already had.

“Mom texted me” he said breaking me out of my thoughts. “I let her know you got here safe and that we hadn’t killed each other yet” he said with a smile.

“Well I think she’ll be happy to know I’m alive.”

When we were done eating Louis went back to watching TV. I didn’t want to intrude so I went back to the guest room. I looked at my phone and was disappointed to see I had no messages, typical I thought to myself. I layed down on the bed and went on my laptop to a little bit when I heard the TV go off. I could hear Louis’s bare feet smacking against the floor as he walked to his room.

I got off my bed and I opened my door and saw that his was cracked open with his light shining through to the dark hallway. Knocking on the door I heard him mumble a “come in.” I pushed the door open and saw him laying on his bed playing with his phone. He rolled over and looked at me.

“I just wanted to say good night and thank you”

“You know, I am really happy you decided to come.” I could tell he meant it when he said it.

“I’m happy I came too”

“I don’t have any plans tomorrow so we can talk more then okay? I promise to be calmer.”

“I know you will. I’m sorry I sprung everything up on you today” I said walking into the room more

“Don’t apologize, it was my fault I yelled at you. I haven’t been the best brother in the world recently but I promise you that we are gonna work something out”

I was relieved to hear him say that. I nodded and started to walk out of the room when he yelled “Good night LeLe”

I replied “Good night LouLou”, closing the door

 I went into my room and saw my laptop still open. I went onto twitter and saw that Louis had just tweeted. “Changes, I think this one if for the better. Good night all :)” I loged of twitter and was about to close my laptop when I saw the background. Smiling at one of my favorite pictures, I drifted off to sleep.

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