29 - Sea of Blood

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Only one dimensional shard left... and I will finally get to meet my mother and my sister.

Airi: Okay, master.

You: Both of you are friends. You must help each other, not tear yourselves apart.

I looked outside the window and saw the sky is suddenly turning red.

You: The skies.

Enju: I've never seen that color for the skies before.

Demonicia: I know it... It means that the waves of the the Sea of Blood is raging.

You: What does that mean?

Demonicia: The cave on an island at the center of the Sea of Blood will most likely be accessible. If you're looking for the shard, that's the only place where you can find it.

Airi: So... We need to hurry then?

Demonicia: Exactly.

This doesn't make any sense at all... If this destiny? I got a dragon so I could travel from far locations. Maybe ChromEye has to do something with it.

You: I... I should go... I have to meet up with Dante.

Aya: Dante? Who is that?

You: A man in distress in the Underworld... He says he knows someone who is a pirate as I recall. Maybe we can ask him for help.

Silicia: Are you sure about this, (Y/N)? I mean you and Dante might have met. But you guys are not friends.

You: Of course we are.

We all went outside and got on Karina. She ascended and flew us to the Western Village.

You: You guys should stay here, I'll go look for Clint and Dante.

The first place I went inside is the saloon, since it's the only place Clint mostly hung out all the time. I found Clint and Dante, having a drink together.

Clint: Pretty boy saved your sorry ass, didn't he?

Dante: Yup. He's got a good eye and combat skills for a youngster.

I didn't come near them. Instead I started eavesdropping on their conversation.

Clint: I forgot to tell you that that kid is a virgin slayer.

Dante: A virgin slayer? What do you mean?

Clint: He had sex with eight girls in total.

Wait. I didn't even ask for it! All that was Christiane's doing!

Dante: Kid has got good taste on women?

Clint: I remember that he was like an ensnared toy for the girls the moment he lost his virginity.

Dante: *Laughing*

Now Dante is making fun of me.

Dante: Anyways. That... (Y/N) kid. He's a hybrid, right? If he's a hybrid, then who are his parents?

Clint: Gone from what I believe. He told me that his parents died when he was still a little kid.

Why are they talking about my parents? They should know better when minding their own business.

You: Alright, that's enough... Hey, Dante, I need your help with something.

Dante: Sure. Anything for you, Virgin Slayer.

You: Stop calling me that... Anyways, you told me that you have a pirate friend, right?

Dante: Yeah, I did tell you that. What of it?

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