24 - Caught

15 7 2

- 15 Hours After Chapter XXIII
- Dream World

Once again, I got confronted by ChromEye. What happened to me this time? Did I just faint after using a small bit of my powers?

You: What the hell just happened to me? I'm quite sure you know what it is.

ChromEye: It was Ragnar, my child... Whoever gets close to him gets their strength drained... When you killed him, the curse took effect to you.

You: I see... But anything happened with Silicia and Miyako while I was out? Am I still at Ragnar's place? Where am I?

ChromEye: Slow down with the questions... I'll answer it one by one. About Silicia and Miyako. They both got worried after you fainted. I heard that Miyako said that you will regain consciousness in the next two days... Huh. Strange. Actually, you can wake up anytime.

You: It is strange indeed. Miyako can just... be weird sometimes... or stupid.

ChromEye: You've been unconscious for a whole day. Currently, today is midnight... Great news for you, the two managed to find Ragnar's gold stash and used it to pay Lethelathos for that camouflage field you wanted.

You: For a second you said that I slept the whole day, I thought my job for today won't get done.

Good thing I have Silicia and Miyako on my back. Things would be hard without them.

ChromEye: Currently, you're back at the cabin and in the bed with Silicia... Silicia only. Miyako went out to go to the underworld.

You: So... Everything's alright then?

ChromEye: I wouldn't be so sure about that.

You: Why?

ChromEye: Why don't you wake up and find it out yourself?

Before I get a chance to ask him, he banishes me from the dream world to get back in reality.

Before I opened my eyes, I can feel that Silicia is very close to me while... moaning?

I kept my eyes closed and started listening to her delusions.

Silicia: Ngh...

What the hell?

Silicia: (Y/N)... *Kiss* *Giggle* We're alone tonight.

She kisses my neck. I must remain calm and make sure not to get jumpy... She's probably going to kill me if I wake up. Maybe I should just keep pretending on sleeping.

Silicia: (Y/N). N- Not there! Ahh...

Wait. Is she... touching herself right now?... Dammit. I can't be here. But as long as she's doing it, I can't get away. This is a bad timing on losing Demonicia's demon abilities. How unlucky can I be?

Silicia: Don't tease my breasts! You're such a bad man... Ahh...

Yeah... Like you have those.

I can tell that she's caressing her own body as she touches herself.

Silicia: (Y/N)... Please, stop... Ahhh... N- No...  Why... are you doing this?

She's probably imagining me, forcing her to make love with me... Why the hell would I do such thing?

Just to be clear. Aren't I supposed to be the one asking her that? It's just why? Just why would she make such delusions like that?

Silicia: Nghnn... You're so forceful... Ah! Ahhh...

Thinking that she has her eyes closed while she touches herself, I opened my eyes and came to a situation I wasn't expecting.

You: ?!

Two Worlds (Original Characters x Male Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin